Ick... math was a great big cesspool of disaster - hoping to pass, but nothing better grrrr and my time management was crappy for paper 2 so I think Module C essay was a sad, disorganized thing
Aside from that, though, I think everything was deliciously average :D just goot study hard for ext...
Woot! We did the same topics... but you make look bad haha
USA: 8
Conflict in Indochina: 8
J. Edgar Hoover: 8.5
I would have written more for Hoover, but I found the question hard to relate for some reason... derrrr Other than that... GREAT!!!!
Those were really good questions! Indochina, America and WWI were all really simple and the America question was the same as the trial haha I didn't really like the personality question though, it just wasn't the best fit for Hoover or my essay points. Still, wrote 9 pages for that and I think...
WOW, you just described my math experience *dies* All I wanted was a pass, just a wee little pass was that so hard to do???!!!!!!! Gah. Still, wooot for 4 unit English!
Re: Extension Exam - How'd it go?
Yeah the stimulus was a strange idea but I think it was actually quite good for the module - the style was a bit like 'The Spy who came in from the Cold' which wasn't all that terrible haha i'm thinking a band 5 -- wrote 15 pages for the essay and 9.5 for the...
Ick. We attempted that creative writing question as practice and all of us were just like*OMG WTF are we meant to be doin* Sympathise greatly that you got that in the exam - in comparison, our's wasn't that bad - just a picture of a guy about to be smushed by two huge arm wrestling hands :D good...
SO I've just been trying to figure out how to approach this essay question for Julius Caesar and this is what I have come up with so far... this is just the Shakespeare section as i doubt anyone is interested in my related texts:
'If Shakespeare had been accurate in the naming of his play...
Living only half an hour from the NSW/QLD border most of the people in my year are considering QLD universities (the main choices being Griffith and UQ) but I haven't seen any talk about these universities at all. So I was wondering what the general opinions of the Brisbane based unis were and...
Yep :D +++++ haha I plan on moving to Brisbane in January, but moving out of home right after my last exam and staying with family in Surfers Paradise... hopefully this will give me some more time to save up more money for bonds and organise a job ;) Very exciting. :D
For Conflicting Perspectives, I'm doing to related texts that are both on the assassination of Caesar as my event, and not on another conflicting perspective (eg. euthanasia etc) - a graphic novel based on Shakespeare's play and historical acount of the event by Plutarch. ...I did well in the...
Sorry to butt in :) but on this topic, I was wondering how well I would have to do to get a band 6. I'm ranked 1/22 in Advanced and my raw assessment mark is 89.5...??? Just curious.
Oh, God no.... it took me 25 minutes to read that sucker through, let alone analyse it :mad: Its the only speech I don't have a summary for, *prays that that doesn't happen*
It is good advice and I do, Maths is just one of those subjects with me that just don't stick... I guess it's just because I do so many essay subjects. :D thanks though, it's almost over!
So I've come to the conclusion that math just isn't something that I will EVER be any good at, a fact which hasn't stopped me from attempting 2 unit. My problem is I am doing really bad in Math right now and wanted to find out just how badly that might effect my poor ATAR.
Anyway, I do 11 units...
Oh. Wow. I feel so out of my depth right now since even though at my school I'm one of the 'smart' kids (I use the term ironically), I know I'm nothing special when you compare me to the rest of the state... XP
Oh well, not getting '99.7' for you UAI isn't the end of the world, and there is...