Hey all,
I'm working on a major work based on Chinese superstitions and beliefs (as well as Imperial China, during the Han Dynasty) and I was wondering if you, or if you know anyone, could help me?
I need to know:
1. What are things that are considered bad luck or as an omen? I know...
How do I burn a .swf file (flash movie) onto a CD? I normally use Roxio to burn stuuf to CD, but it wouldn't even read my .swf file!:jedi: Help pls! This is for my English Extension 2 Major Work! :bomb:
I'm using Macromedia Flash MX.
Hey all,
I'm doing Romanticism for my HSC, and I seem to be struggling a bit. :mad1:
I know they revolted against the Enlightenment Era, loved nature, cared more for the individual and not of what the community thinks, yada yada...
But apparently I need to know more of the Intellectual...
1. Is it true that girls like bad guys? Not all. Some do some don't. I don't.
2. Whats your favourite kinda dude eg Skater, Emo, Lad etc? Would Comedian be one?
3. What do girls fall for the most first eg eyes, hair, clothes etc? Face.
4. If a dude smells nice does that make him much...
What if the ext english subjects take up a chunk of you UAI marks?
ie I do:
2U Maths
4U English
Visual Arts
+ A non-UAI course at TAFE
UAI: 12 units Non-UAI: 2units
Total:14 units
Hey all,
Do you know any sites which can show characteristics of Wuthering Heights or Thrushcross Grange? Or do you know any specific pages in the book? :cold:
I definately agree. It definately helps! :idea:
I'd also like to reconmended to highlight or somehow indicate where you people go wrong and study up on that! :hammer: