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    URGENT!!! Subject Selection HELP!!!

    Should i do Biology or 3 unit math in year 11. and lets say i want to do something medicine related in uni.
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    so i'm doing shit in adv. eng this year... still hope to do better in the hsc?

    U'll get it easily! I was ranked 87/95 people in my school. My school was also ranked 300 something and i got 77. So if your ranked 15/45 and in a 55ish school then i recon ull easily get high band 5 or even a 6 depeding on how u do in your final exam.
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    Ok, fess up, whos stuffed an exam

    I think everyone stuffed up all there exams so...........
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    If you hate English, you must post here in celebration

    fuk u english, mother fuker ill kill u fuking fuking shit, nenver have to attempt to remember quotes or any motherfuking techniques. i hate u english
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    URGENT NEED ~85 really stressing

    mate i think u'll diffently get 95+ with those ranks as long as u do good in each of your exams. Your are ranked pretty much top 3 for all your subjects, and assuming that the top 3 will generally do pretty well even though ur school is ranked low u will get that 95+ for sure. nigga
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    Iran to have nuclear weapon by next year

    lol, they should be allowed to have nuclear weapons if they want. If the US gets to have the them any other country on the planet earth should be allowed to have them. If the US decides they want a nuclear free world and they get rid of there nuclear weapons then i think all other countries...
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    shut ur mouth u got shit tryin talk to me nigga, ill fuck u up, don't tell me what iam or not

    shut ur mouth u got shit tryin talk to me nigga, ill fuck u up, don't tell me what iam or not
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    American Politics

    America and their Problems Ok now seriously i think that America has Some Serious problems: 1) Economic crisis (but yet again it was their fault in the first place) 2) Iran nuke weapons etc 3) Iraq war 4) Afghanistan 5) North Korea nukes 6) Palestine and Israel (not as much problem to them...
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    How long can Pakistan survive?

    Why do people care so much seriously, most of Africa has been worse than pakistan for years, parts of africa are controlled by rebels lets start worrying about that. Pakistan is apparently a "leading ally with the US", i guess they need them cause of Afghanistan. My solution: Remove the...
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    حلال - Halal approved foodstuffs

    just to let you know what halal is: Halal food is just cut differently to how other people cut it. so its exactly the same meat but cut differently. And it is much cleaner in a sense of disease and bacteria's Non halal meat is usually cut through the neck without letting the blood flow out...
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    How long can Pakistan survive?

    its a bit hard to control a part of the country which has no laws by the government. THey have their own tribal laws which the taliban have stuffed up. Its not like every1 is happy that they are their
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    FUCK YOU, fuckin cunt

    FUCK YOU, fuckin cunt
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    Integration Help!

    int[xsqrt(x+1)]dx (i) using substitution u = x+1 (ii) using the substitution u^2 = x+1 int[x^5sqrt(1-x^3)]dx int[x^2/(x-2)(x^2+2x+2)]dx
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    What subjects should I pick for year 11 & 12?

    Dont do biology do physics it will go well with ext 2 maths. It will make it easier for you. and plus biology doesnt scale as much(from my understading, may be wrong)
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    Islam group urges forest fire jihad

    u dont even know its islamic extremist who caused this they are just assuming. NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING. ANYWAY WE WILL FIND OUT WHO IS THE REAL CULPRITS SOON.
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    Islam group urges forest fire jihad

    Always trying to Blame Islam.
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    Do you like maths?

    I like maths, its very fun and challenging Mx2 very fun, MX1 also fun And i also like English, it can be frustrating and confusing but i like it anyway.
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    What do I do if I get my first choice and actually want to do my second?

    umm i would stay in UNSW and do law, and let ur parents move to Wollongong while u do uni and then after u finish move to wollongong. It all works out. LAW they probably have a shit uni at wollongong so ur giving up an offer
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    HSC Certificate Sent To Wrong Person

    Just leave it, it happened to you and u got yours bak so ur lucky, if it happens to somebody else let them worry about, it was probably a stupid mistake. LET IT GO y stress over something which doesnt need to be dealt with, let some1 else worry about it.
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    School tomorrow!

    I dont see the point of going bak on friday for some schools, u mite aswell get an extra day since the weekends starting and then go bak on monday. So dum..