It should ne lowered. Look at europe, their drinking age for wine and beer is 16 whereas aclchohol they must be 18. They have statistically way less motor vechile accidents and deaths on their road because the freedom of drinking and driving is not all piled into one small time span.
same. ever tried flavoured?
haha thats how i started out now im hanging around it all the time and its becoming worse haha never buy them though because then i know im going to get addicted
Uh no. He is a convicted child molester, therefor he should not be allowed to be around children!
Notorious pedophile
He is called that for a reason.
I just found him to be a very gentle and kind old man, the type of person you were happy to have as a neighbour. He wasn't a drug dealer...
I also find it easier to just not tell my parents if i am in a relationship. It will be the big meet and greet and my parents would just judge everything, what they look like, wear, their family and my parents are hugely racist so they know about non of the interracial relationships I'v had...