well technically you can call in 2 hours before and they cant do anything about it because your a casual.. BUT if you tell them as soon as you find out you cant do the shift they will be much more kind..
just for future reference.. haha.
in other news, i had a coles group interview last...
there should be emergency exit plans around the store, including in the office, if not, thats their fault.. emergency exits are for emergency/possible emergency situations so i would say you arent in the wrong..
alllll the time.. HAHAH deli seems to always be the worst for stuff ups.. then yeh always the long pauses to remember register numbers or what you wanted.. hahaha.
one of the best is when someone goes to call someone to the service desk and while theyre doing the call the person turns up so...
i went back to my store too last night.. hot new smokeshop guy made me question why i left hahahah. but everyone was like all over me and that made me miss them :( lol
we use service 40 all the timeeeeeee.. when a customer disputes a price and says its different to the shelf price or things like that.. i usuallyh just hit accept for the verify price item..
ours have vests for if someone is covering or doesnt have a shirt because i have seen the vest too..
yeh your right.. but it stands out which is good.. in woolies it just blends
lol no our coles wear shirts.. exactly the same.. green stands out in coles.. they can have whatever colour they want.. just saying that the idea of having the shirts is stolen
YAYYYY! bos is back! finally!
in news, i quit! :D/:'(
LOL at you all looking silly wearing margaret fulton.. in my opinion the boys are just using it as an excuse to stare at girls chests.. ;) HAHAH
and selfserve shirts are like EXACTLY the same as coles.. so obvious.. even the same colour...
not bad woolworths, not badd. if you go into eLearning theres a training thing on isis and other stuff. lol forum is just poor.
anyone in NSW, is it possible to do a cert in retail through woolworths as a VET/TVET course in the HSC?? read it here...
our store had the interviews for jobs at all our citys stores the other day.. we found out that the HR lady had rejected one young boy because when she asked him who the prime minister of Australia was, he didnt know. but seriously why do you need that at woolworths?!?
she stays at our store and...
HAHAHAHA! what a loser fail. and notice that one customer walks off with a trolley full of packed black woolworths enviro bags and the cashier is still using the same bags? lol what. a. fail.
hahahah. our liquor manager is echnically supposed to have 2 people it at all times. they are open for like 94 hours a week and she is allowed 145 for rosters. she was like wtf can i do!? lol and one of her ft-ers just resigned.. haha was funny coz he's always working and works like a dog. will...