Public. Low. Look around 60-80k depending on where you are.
Private, the sky is the limit. How many people you have working under you, how many practices etc. As an employee to start off with i'd say it's slightly higher than public.
Just do B science if you're going down the grad med/dent pathway. I made the mistake of Advanced Med Science - it worked but was a hell of a lot harder than alternate options.
B Science you have flexibility to choose subjects to prepare you for GAMSAT, med sci you loose this flexibility as it's...
An orthodontist for years? If you're only attracted to the money and how easy it looks when you have your appointments you're due for disappointment.
Another note; the PQA is easy. If you don't want to give up a holiday for this career then I strongly suggest you reconsider your choice. You...
eBay link:
If member on here is winner of auction you may PM me and have my band 6 notes free.
To do the double degree you will do the undergraduate nursing course and then a graduate diploma to become a paramedic.
If you solely want to be a paramedic you should just do the straight B. Clinical Practise (Paramedic) - otherwise you will spend 3yrs studying and work placement in a degree...
Its about an hour long with 2 people.
First part they talk about your application and ask questions based from that.
Second part is the typical why med, why unsw etc etc.
I didnt receive any scenarios, ethical or clinical questions.
Bachelor of Dental Science is the equivalent to Bachelor of Dental Surgery. And yes you will be a Dentist. The same as anyone with DDS or DDM. Just an undergrad name.
I did the PQA and interview at Usyd last year and received an offer. I also applied for dent obviously at CSU and was accepted. If you want to leave sydney I would advise clinical science as a good option as a pathway into dentistry. There is a girl in my year in dent who did no...
Dentistry is considered allied health and is 5 years undergraduate or 4 years post graduate LIKE medicine.
The difference between medicine and Dentistry;
When you graduate Dentistry from uni; you face the dental board, become registered and you're free to work wherever you want. With medicine...
Sometimes tuts dont follow the lecture. You may do a tut of next weeks lecture content.
I had a single book for each subject: I wrote my lecture notes/summaries in the front. And I did tut crap in the back. You'll generally just get tested for lecture content. I obviously had a practical manual...
If you have a conflict email the unit coordinator for the unit you wish to change the tutorial for. They will then advise you as to what to do... Don't panic.