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    Post your assessment marks!

    English Adv - 73% (~10/90) Maths - 96% (=4/100) Jap Continuers - 85% (4/7) Physics - 83% (<10/60) SDD - 82% (3/24) Looking good so far :D
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    CHALLENGE: Find someone who does the exact same subjects as me!

    English Adv. Mathematics Physics PD/H/PE Jap Cont. SDD I'd be very surprised if anyone else did these.
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    Hypothetical ATAR

    I'm just interested in what I could get if my ranks are similar in year 12, and thanks for the replies
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    Hypothetical ATAR

    Hey guys, would you mind telling what ATAR I could get with these ranks? School rank: 170~ English Adv: 15/80 Mathematics: 10/65 PD/H/PE: 5/70 Physics: 2/40 Software: 3/25 Jap. Continuers: 4/11 (Top 5 95%+) Jap. Extension: 3/5
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    Mathematics Question/

    6 minutes, one block is placed to start it growing, then 2 more can grow on top
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    Mathematics Question/

    No, you plant 3 blocks separately, creating 3 towers of 1 which grow into 3 towers of 3
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    Mathematics Question/

    You have 3 blocks. It takes 6 minutes to grow 2 blocks, making a tower of 3. It takes 3 seconds to plant each block, and 2 seconds to harvest each block. Assuming you harvest each block as soon as it is finished growing and replant each block after harvesting, how many would you have after 48 hours?
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    Mathematics Question/

    Yea I know what you mean but to calculate it you would have to start from the original 3, then work out how it takes to get to 9, then 27 etc., I can't see a way of doing it quickly
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    Mathematics Question/

    Except with gravel and sand
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    Mathematics Question/

    I did it with only planting one block after harvesting
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    Mathematics Question/

    Well, it takes 3 seconds to plant, 6 minutes to grow, and 2 or 6 seconds to harvest. Therefore it's 365 or 369 seconds to gain 2 blocks. 48 hours is 172800 seconds so that gives you 473 or 468 blocks by the end. I think...
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    Mathematics Question/

    Is the cactus being 3 blocks high including the one you planted?
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    Languages at uni

    Thanks for the replies. I was thinking of doing an Engineering Degree, but also wanted to continue with studying Japanese. So a combined Engineering/Arts would be best?
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    Languages at uni

    What ways can I study a language at Uni while doing another degree?