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  1. Lucas_

    Past Papers

    Does anybody have past papers for the final exams of either: ACCT1501 / ECON1101 / ECON1203 / MARK1012
  2. Lucas_

    Do most schools have people who leave 40-30 minutes early?

    I left my general maths exam with 1 hr 45 mins left (1 hr 20 elapsed) and I am sure I will have gotten AT LEAST 78-80 hsc mark so fuck to all you people who say u cant get good marks if you leave early, I am living testament to this
  3. Lucas_

    Has anyone came across this dot point in the far right column- production of material

    Re: Has anyone came across this dot point in the far right column- production of mate stupid human being or bad troll
  4. Lucas_

    Soooo pissed

    dw bruther I feel you
  5. Lucas_

    Raw marks estimate and b5/b6 cut-off.

    you said it best brother
  6. Lucas_

    Raw marks estimate and b5/b6 cut-off.

    There's always a but
  7. Lucas_

    Rate the difficulty

    1 = very easy 10 = very hard
  8. Lucas_

    HELP! How can I learn projectile motion?

    Yeah I found a copy of Physics In Focus - That explains it really well. Thank you all for your help.
  9. Lucas_

    HELP! How can I learn projectile motion?

    Last year when we did all of this I was getting pretty good at it, but I cannot do it for shite now! I got 0/6 marks on my trial for the projectiles section and I know its not even particularly difficult. Where would be the best place to learn from the basics? My textbook teaches it quite...
  10. Lucas_

    Whats the maximum mark you can "without" a case study.

    I'm sorry but you are either a very good troll or a very stupid student
  11. Lucas_

    How difficult did you find the Maths exam?

    Add an option - "piss easy except question 16"
  12. Lucas_

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Questions 1 - 15 <--Too easy Question 16 <-- Ridiculously fucking hard Hoping for raw of ~75+
  13. Lucas_

    Question 28. Diagrams.

    This is all I had too. Just a agg supply curve being extended with micro policy and then a phillips curve in my evaluation :)
  14. Lucas_

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: Scan of the Exam for Multiple Choice (as requested) I think I got 19/20 :) I got the one with the S + T + M = I + G + X one wrong, I think I chose trade deficit :(
  15. Lucas_

    Help! Belonging!!

    Use the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. The markers really like it
  16. Lucas_

    Sections III, IV - Extended Response

    Pretty sick questions
  17. Lucas_

    General Thoughts: Economics

    Surprisingly easily, and I'm thankful for it!
  18. Lucas_

    Module B: In The Skin Of A Lion - Ondaatje

    Are we the only school in the state or something lol?