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  1. dr cookie

    General Thoughts: English Extension 1

    Looking at the creative question for Life Writing... wow... that one looked like a curveball. I do Crime and was happy to have done 14 pages for my prepared, 1800ish word creative in about an hour, then had the rest to spend on the essay. I took 'responsibility' to mean the detective's...
  2. dr cookie

    Hsc trails- everyone

    lul do what i'm doing.... crying *insert face here*
  3. dr cookie

    What subjects are you dropping ?

    aaaaahhhhhh not sure whether to: drop to General Maths (GM) and then drop Ancient as it's crap drop to GM and keep everything drop to GM and drop Ancient and pick up EngX2 drop maths altogether drop maths altogether and pick up EngX2 decisions, decisions.....
  4. dr cookie

    Is it too much to be doing ancient history and modern history ?

    reading this, I feel scared!! I do ancient, and we are yet to write ANY essays. We do minimal work; about half of our lessons are legit waiting for the teacher (although a legend) to work out technology or to actually come to the right room. but it's a good laugh, and after all, what's life...
  5. dr cookie

    What do you plan to accomplish these holidays?

    plan: do ALL the holiday homeworks!
  6. dr cookie

    worst/best english novel you have ever read in school?

    worst = Death of a Salesman/Holes (both very boring and it felt like a chore to read) best = a hard choice... maybe Boy or Destroying Avalon
  7. dr cookie

    What year do students learn system of linear equations?

    We did the parabola, functions etc towards the end of Year 10, which we used a Year11 book for. This part of the course was the teacher's choice of a Preliminary 2Unit subject, and she chose Functions and Parabolas We solved simultaneous equations graphically early in Y10, if that is what...
  8. dr cookie

    Favourite and Least Favourite Prelim Subjects

    My question is: Why is English compulsory? Firstly, most kids can't use simple words correctly, particularly "your" and "you're", as well as "there", "they're" and "their", and English Adv and Std are teaching analytical techniques? How can we, as students, be expected to do that, when the...
  9. dr cookie

    Favourite and Least Favourite Prelim Subjects

    The 3U kids have an extra 2 lessons per week with a different teacher and do the 3U topics (circle geo, etc etc). Some find the 2U course much harder (probably because their 3U teacher is a legend). Because our school is so small, we can't have two 2U classes :\ Quite a few of us are...
  10. dr cookie

    Favourite and Least Favourite Prelim Subjects

    Currently loving Geography, as the class is so chilled, plus I find the content really interesting (but yeah I also like EE1, because our class is tiny (4 kids) as well as the teacher being an absolute legend) Am hating 2U maths. Our class is a mix of 2U and 3U kids. The teacher seems to favour...
  11. dr cookie

    Relying on sources

    I can say that I get a fair few of my ideas from either online or my English (extension) teacher. Advanced is a bit of a joke, and so far the AoS has been pretty straightforward and I've come up with most of my ideas myself in the three essays we've had to write. Definitely make use of the...
  12. dr cookie

    Business studiers of prelim 2012!

    I don't do business studies, but my friends say that it's HEAPS of work. In the jacaranda book, they're up to about Ch6 or 7 :\
  13. dr cookie

    Any advice please.

    I've always been told not to have a rhetorical question in a thesis; however, as this is a speech, it could probably change I suppose... No greeting? I can't say I've been a Uni Lecturer, but do they greet the pupils?? For this bit: "Imaginary Life by Malouf and Tintern Abbey by Wordsworth", I...
  14. dr cookie

    How much hours are you studying a day?

    That's the thing; I didn't do enough study to KNOW if I understood everything... if that makes sense? For maths especially, I skimmed through the ChReviews, getting most Q's wrong, and then just assumed I'd be sweet?! But I completely agree with the time; some people "study for 6 hours a...
  15. dr cookie

    How much hours are you studying a day?

    At the risk of sounding absolutely stupid, we had half yearlies in Wk9 right (Wk10 for EXT) and I can pretty honestly say that 95% of my study was done the weekends before/nights before the exams/afternoon sessions where I had no exam. The only notes I wrote beforehand were Ancient in Week2 and...
  16. dr cookie

    um... do i know you?

    um... do i know you?
  17. dr cookie

    What is everyone's Shakespeare this year?

    7 - Romeo and Juliet (not bad) 8 - Midsummer Night's Dream (not bad) 9 - Macbeth (eh) 10 - Romeo and Juliet again for some reason 11 - Even though I'm in advanced, we aren't doing a shakespeare?! is this odd!? 12 - Richard III
  18. dr cookie

    What's everyone planning to accomplish these holidays?!

    Maybe I'm crazy, but holidays are for holidays... Unless you've been struggling in a subject then I see no need for work. I've had my 1/2 yearlies so no huge stress for me ^_^
  19. dr cookie


    :P could it be like a factorial? I don't know, sorry... I'm woeful at maths to say the least!!! during maths lessons: UM DA COW SAID MOOS?
  20. dr cookie


    to be honest, i would just write: I am morally and religiously opposed to gambling. ^_^ sorry i can't be of more help