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  1. imbecile

    Section I – World War I

    It asked for the message not the aim. Poster: Hey guys Germans are inhumane harhar (message) ---> anti-German sentiment--->recruitment (aim)
  2. imbecile

    Section I – World War I

    BTW im fairly sure it was a) germans were inhumane the question was what was the MESSAGE (i think) the message was germans were inhumane, the AIM of it was to recruit women
  3. imbecile

    Section II - National Studies

    I argued that Hindenburg had no option but to elect Hitler into power as the nazi party had become so big by then that any government needed the backing of the Nazi party however this wasn't due to a lack of opposition but other factors, as you mention.
  4. imbecile

    Section I – World War I

    don't worry, im sure MANY made that mistake. I only realised when I came back to check over my MC with a minute to go
  5. imbecile

    Section I – World War I

    It wasn't patriotism, it asked for what the soldier said, not the historian. In the soldier's extract, there was no mention of patriotism, that was only mentioned by the guy who used the two primary sources to write his secondary source
  6. imbecile

    Elitist Selective school mentality makes me rage!

    laugh if they didn't get a co-op interview after that
  7. imbecile

    13 Units. Crazy or...?

    don't do history extension, it's terrible/boring and doesn't scale well.
  8. imbecile

    Final Fantasy XIII

    there is a third one coming, Lightning Returns. Last of the trilogy.
  9. imbecile

    Yeh! Maade in it Giraween High school
  10. imbecile

    Yeh! Maade in it Giraween High school

    blacktown station tomorrow 3pm ill break ya
  11. imbecile

    Yeh! Maade in it Giraween High school

    who is this boof
  12. imbecile

    Yeh! Maade in it Giraween High school

    typical kid from Penrith.
  13. imbecile

    Yeh! Maade in it Giraween High school

    the return of the king
  14. imbecile

    Yeh! Maade in it Giraween High school

    always something to do at the riff
  15. imbecile

    What are conflicting perspectives?

    you're going to have a bad time.
  16. imbecile

    Yeh! Maade in it Giraween High school

    I would actually love that LOL
  17. imbecile

    Yeh! Maade in it Giraween High school

    Haha I still remember when they begged us to let them in LOL, that was funny.
  18. imbecile

    Yeh! Maade in it Giraween High school

    Also, we already beat you at touch the last time we played you guys.