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  1. SuperMike96

    How do people structure their area of study essays?

    If you can write more then definitely go for more. If you won't be able to finish it then stick with the smaller model.
  2. SuperMike96

    First job at 18 y.o?

    I've been applying since the HSC ended and haven't received a job yet. Heavy days.
  3. SuperMike96

    2014 New Years Resolutions & Progress

    Yeah I was in the same place. I can still match my peak speed over the 50m (haven't tried the 100 properly for time yet), my fitness is wrecked though.
  4. SuperMike96

    2014 New Years Resolutions & Progress

    I still exercise and go to swimming training, I just don't feel like competing.
  5. SuperMike96

    2014 New Years Resolutions & Progress

    A fellow swimmer :) I stopped competitive swimming this year for the HSC (aside from State Opens and school swimming). Now I don't really feel like starting again.
  6. SuperMike96

    How accurate are the ATAR calculators?

    I'd take it as a general guide. Expect to be within a few points of the ATAR calculators estimate, but don't think it will be 100% accurate.
  7. SuperMike96

    Band 6 cutoff for legal studies?

    I got 84 HSC Mark. Thought I would do a little better...
  8. SuperMike96

    Atar prediction!?! Help!?!

    Sounds like low 80s to me, it could also be high 70s. So maybe 79-82? My judgements aren't canon though. It'd be better to use an ATAR calculator when the sites start loading properly.
  9. SuperMike96

    HSC Marks all nighter thread

    Deciding to wake up at 6am. May God have mercy on my results.
  10. SuperMike96

    HSC Marks all nighter thread

    I'd rather not be sleep deprived as well as success deprived ;)
  11. SuperMike96

    HSC Marks all nighter thread

    Naah I'd rather get a decent sleep before I face my results
  12. SuperMike96

    What do you think you'll get?

    I'm hoping for 90+ but in reality I'll probably get 80+.
  13. SuperMike96

    2013 HSC Results/ATAR banter!

    I'm actually starting to get nervous/pumped for Wednesday
  14. SuperMike96

    Teacher rounded mark for rank. Is it okay

    Aren't you in year 10? If so, the rank should have no affect over your HSC ranks.
  15. SuperMike96

    Do you guys go into an exam feeling confident or blank ?

    77% raw should scale to a mid-high band 5 judging by the raw marks database.
  16. SuperMike96

    Business Studies HSC

    For section 3 I think we are allowed to use an example as long as it is an isolated example and doesn't consume the focus of your report.
  17. SuperMike96

    Business Studies HSC

    At least you only need case studies for one 20 mark section. It would be so much worse if it was essential for more than one section.
  18. SuperMike96

    Business Studies HSC

    Hey, my grandmother says that the last section will be a feature article... or did she say it was a speech? Haha. Naahs, I'm screwed. I know the syllabus off by heart but I know so little about Qantas. At least that only counts for 20 marks :D
  19. SuperMike96

    Predictions for tomorrows Business Studies exam?

    Both will be solely on the strategic role of HR.
  20. SuperMike96

    how to answer section 3?

    Know your syllabus and concepts well so you can identify easily what they are actually asking.