Hi My name is Alan and I completed my HSC in 2013 with anATAR of 99.70 and a mark of 93 for physics. I have been tutoring ever since graduating high school and I really love it.
What I am doing:
I am tutoring over the school term with 10 weekly lessons which are 3 hours each. This is 30...
BSC only explains superconductivity for type one superconductors. Type I are usually pure metals like mercury with very very low critical temperatures.
It doesnt however explain superconductivity for type 2 superconductors which are metal alloys and ceramics that have much higher critical...
Yes it is correct in saying positive holes are moving in the valence band. Just concentrate on the holes and imagine them moving through the valence band like how a free electron would move through a conduction band. That is the important part in that explanation.
Two properties:
1. Electron pairs (Cooper pairs) travel through the lattice unimpeded. That is, with zero resistance.
2. Cooper pairs propagate through the lattice through mutual attraction. This is an unusual characteristic of particles with the same charges.
Just remember this flow chart/list
1. P type and n type silicon are placed together. This forms a p-n junction at their point of contact.
2. at this p-n junction forms a depletion layer where the free electrons from the n side diffuse into the positive holes on the p side.
3. Since there are...
To measure the speed of any electromagnetic radiation/wave we need two things:
- The frequency (f)
- The wavelength (lambda)
This is shown in the equation v=f(lambda).
From his experimental set-up Hertz was able to find the frequency of the apparatus.
To find the wavelength he placed his...
The significant things about his experiment was that:
1. It ended the debate about whether cathode rays were streams of charged particles or electromagnetic radiation. They were particles because they had a charge to mass ratio. Anything with mass is a particle.
2. It led to the discovery of...
Yep acceleration increases at an increasing rate. According to F=ma, a=F/m. As the rocket travels upwards it shoots exhaust gases out which reduces its mass (m). When m decreases then a (=F/m) will increase because there is and inverse relationship.
Furthermore as it travels higher up the...
in my opinion space was the hardest because the last topic on special relativity was the most conceptual. All the others are more logical and sequential.
Find a raw mark data base and find the HSC marks that correspond with those raw external marks. Plug them in an atar calculator. Then you would have a more accurate measurement.
Use the reverse atar calculator on this website http://www.matrix.edu.au/atar-calculator/
Then find a raw mark database and find the raw marks that correspond to those marks form the calculator. Then add 5-10% on top of those marks. You should be aiming for AT LEAST that.
yeah but don't rely too much on your cohort. Rely on YOURSELF. Study in one hour intervals and take small breaks. Drink heaps of water and eat healthy because your body your most precious commodity. Make sure you keep on doing past papers. They're the secret to the HSC.
Or come unsw and do commerce. Get a high WAM with a those commerce wam boosting subjects. Then apply to transfer internally. You need at least 75+ WAM at unsw to be competitive.
Yep you need at least 75 WAM. However it really depends on the available spots. There could be like only 2 spots left in which all those HD kids will get or there could be 20000 spots where credit average kids might get (disclaimer: numbers are purely arbitrary and fictional. They are used only...
yeah just still put Actuarial studies are your first preference and them comm/engo as the second preference. Who knows you might make it and get actuarial studies.
LOL you guys are the biggest trolls. DONT DO MGMT1001. HOLY SHIT its a WAM DESTROYER. My mate did it and got 75 and offered to do honours. That's how hard it is. Do accounting if you are a very logical person. Do microeconomics if you like to visualise shit moving around in your head. Good luck...