If i may raise a small point
You're going have to work harder to get into surgery from medicine than you're gonna have to work to actually get into medicine from High school
Med is not simply the 5-6 years of the course, it incorporates a steep learning curve in at a postgraduate level...
I got the same UMAT score
I got an interview offer under the rural scheme at UNSW
Are you rural?
If so, you're in with a chance at UNCLE and Monash. Slim, but still there.
You're in the same boat as me, i got 161, but only had a 94-97 prediction. If our ENTER matches our prediction (mine will hopefully surpass it), then why wouldn't we be in with a chance. I've always considered the interview as my best chance to get in, so for me i think it's half the battle and...
I have to wait through a period of chem and english to find out my score, all good though, for now my UMAT score has somewhat served its purpose as i have an interview for UNSW
I can still login with high hopes at least . . Big day tommorow anyway
Yep i applied to UWS and got my parents to pay the extortionate $110.00 accomadation application fee too. I've applied to 6 unis - Monash, UNSW, UAdel, UNCLE, UWS and UTAS
Yep, you still have a chance, as long as you stay focused
Did you check out UTAS? UNCLE? It's nice to focus on other unis so at least you feel as though you're being proactive about the process
300 applications she said
for 49? places
They claim that only 5% interviewed take a spot there (interstate applicants)
I'm in that boat, if i get offered at monash, i'll inform them that i don't want an interview
Justine Brindle said in an email i got that she had over 300 applications for the rural scheme. You could assume about 50-75 didn't come up with a good up the enough score, and if you go by their stats, another 50 or so (possible more) will take offers in their home state, seriously opening up...
I thought you were from Tassie?
How can you then have a predicted score of 100?
Also, the offer means that you received a UMAT score of AT LEAST 152, give your self credit, you may have done much, much better
Yeh i thought that was really strange too
Oh well, i don't care coz i got one!!
Hahaha, not really
Step up any sydney kids for their kudos!
I received an offer at 3:02 PM today
They advised me i was over the september cut-off, but they plan to interview rural interstate applicants in late january
Nothin yet
I'm an interstater, but i'm applying as a rural applicant
My predicted ENTER/UAI was only 94-97, comaperd to the 98 listed for UWS
Go figure