Re: Buy and Sell thread - Sem 1 and 2
accg355 - management information systems - managing the digital firm by kenneth C.Laudon, tenth edition. $60
bba313 - Marketing mistakes and successes by Robert H.Hartley, tenth edition. $30
bba351/311 - book of readings from 2007 semester 2...
Perhaps they have mark your exam and knew that you have pass and they are thinking you may get a worst off mark in the supplementary exam (considering how you been sick lately) but thats just a random though that pop into my head..
goodluck for the other exam!
^ yes, i did it and i managed to pass (in terms of that quote)
usually with the attendance they let you off the hook if you do good in the exam, it varies with each subject but i always make sure to attend in case ~_~
^ i really dont think employees look at which university you go to. Some of my friends that had interviews with Ib's and they come from all different universities. Also don't just focus on the marks as panda eyes said.. the extra curricular activities are just as important. Good luck!
Re: Buy and Sell thread - Sem 1 and 2
* bba315 business forecasting by Hanke and Wichern. 8th edition
* bba250 human resource management by stone 4th edition (this isn't recent the edition i heard)