Hey, I was wondering if you know whether or not the codes for the Daily Telegraph subscription offer were just one generic code for each uni? If so, do you think you could tell me what it was for Mac? Thanks!
Hey, just wondering if the Daily Telegraph people have been at Mac yet? Like last year, they gave out postcard things with a code on them allowing you to get the paper for free as well as home delieverd on Sunday.
Hey so I'm still a bit undecided about which 200-level English unit I should do this semester. I'm going to do ENGL209 (Shakespeare and the Renaissance) next semester.
I've tentatively put ENGL201 (Creative Writing) but am having second thoughts about it.
The one's that I'm looking at are...
So I know it's O-Week next week... but is that the official start of classes for returning students? I thought it was the 28th but I looked at the Unit outline for one of my subjects which states that there is a tutorial next week? Is this normal?
I hate the compulsary people and planet units. I picked this unit for next semester because it seemed like the only decent one. The compulsary lectures are a bit crap but it's at an alright time - Friday 10am.
Hey, I'm doing these next semester and just saw the text list for them -14 books all up!
It says they're all compulsary readings - anyone done this unit and actually needed to buy them all? Does loaning them from the library suffice?
I guess it'd be better to own actual copies of them...
Re: Buy and Sell thread - Sem 1 and 2
Looking to buy...
LING110 - "Introduction to Language" (Austalian Edition)
EDUC106 - "Cultural Perspectives in Education"'
Thanks :)
Oh yeah, probably best to e-mail me about it as I don't come on here often.
Lol yeah I think there is. I have Dr. Lee O'Brien at 2... I hate tutes that put pressure on you to participate (10% going towards total mark or whatever).
She doesn't even know our names, how is she supposed to distribute the marks fairly? Unless she has a damn good memory I doubt she...
Just checking, we can change our semester 2 units now without penalty of any kind can't we?
I just realised I'm dong a unit that I don't need to do and I'd like to replace it with a unit that I do need to do.