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  1. S

    Official UAI Results

    Whatever I say, I can't win with this particular discussion and to tell you the truth, I don't feel it really matters if people get what I am saying or not. I am looking after all the issues relating to my kids and trying to make a better life for us, exactly what your parents were able to do...
  2. S

    Official UAI Results

    Thanks for the compliment, although I'm not sure whether to take it at face value considering your other comments. Notice it took me a while to even see this posting, I do have other priorities. The fact that those people feel the need to make negative comments about my HSC results and for...
  3. S

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    If you work in the hospital system, why are you so fanatical about this subject? You seem obsessive to me, and not benevolent about the health system. You're not going to let up and you will keep posting on this particular forum until your computer explodes from rage against overweight...
  4. S

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    Your comment proves I must have hit a raw nerve. You have proven me right. If anyone agrees with the previous post then you're really shallow and thinking I must be overweight because I don't see it your way shows that the blinkers are on and you can't see it any other way. The only gay I know...
  5. S

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    To Katie Tully (who has posted about twenty times on this particular forum subject) and all those who obsessively write about weight problems in the community: I'm not overweight, and I don't have issues with people who are. I'm not that shallow. I really don't care how much a person weighs, I...
  6. S

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    There are more important things in the world to discuss than how much someone weighs. So many of you who are caught up in the weight thing must be speechless when you come up against a person who is overweight but doing better than you in your career and earns more money. Who bloody frigging...
  7. S

    Official UAI Results

    Thank you, I appreciate your support. A couple of stupid remarks aren't going to make any difference to my long-term study plans. I've got my confirmatioin letter, books and ready to go, waiting for early March for my course to start. The ones who make these snide comments to me now will get...
  8. S

    Official UAI Results

    For the record, I'm not blaming anyone. I'm learning from my mistakes and I'm trying to go forward. Despite my first dismal attempt at the HSC many years ago, I still completed my Accounting diploma at TAFE and was able to remain employed in the accounting field for over twenty years. I'm...
  9. S

    Bridging courses

    Sorry, I know this is unrelated to your post about bridging courses, loser101, but the only thing going against your post is the picture you have of that party boy as your avatar. It is him in that photo, isn't it? If you or any other people your age think there is anything funny or cool about...
  10. S

    Official UAI Results

    I wanted to get over my issues with the first time I did my HSC. I was too embarrassed to show my results to anyone. Even though I got a UAI in the 60's, my exam marks this time were in the 70's. It was a stage I wanted to go through so I can find the areas I am interested in before I go to uni...
  11. S


    People will say different things about scaling, but at OTEN, our highest English assessments were in the 80's. The actual exam marks in English Advanced at our college did not get any higher than the late 70's. I suspect the scaling was considered necessary because they have plans to close OTEN...
  12. S

    Official UAI Results

    If Brogan77 knew that I am actually 42 and old enough to be his mum, it would hopefully be the equivalent of a cold shower. To those of you who actually read my post, and said something positive, thanks. It was the second time I did my HSC when I finished last year, I wanted to improve on the...
  13. S

    Section 3

    I was not happy with the way I answered that question in Paper 1 for English Advanced. I did not get to complete my extended response, I had so much more to write in the last few minutes of the exam. So, I'm kicking myself about it even two months later. I spent too much time on Sections 1 and...
  14. S

    Official UAI Results

    Well, congratulations to all those people that got marks in the 90's. I did my darn best with trying to get a decent Limited UAI - I was not able to do better than 63.70. I felt peeved because I know what I went through just to be able to find time to study between a job and the kids and come up...
  15. S

    General Thoughts - Modern History

    The paper could be described as fair. Actually, the World War I question sources helped a lot because I could not come up with the answers without the sources as a trigger to my memory. At OTEN our other topics besides WWI were Indochina, the Russian Revolution and Leon Trotsky. Initially...
  16. S

    Section 2

    Hi, I'm new to this board. I don't know if the time of posting appears here but I'm writing at 1am because my kids are asleep and it's just about the only time I can get onto the computer and do some netsurfing. Phew, the exams are over and now we can breathe again. At least until we find out...