Okay. Well, I was actually implying that it was Kim who is dim and bitchy, not really you.
Because, a. she was wrong b. she was a bastard in the process of being wrong c. she didnt apologise for being wrong (seriously, this couldve ended with her going 'whoops, misunderstood your method of...
Hey yeah, Im sorry, Ive been told that this shouldve gone on the non-school board. I apologise, and if the mods wanna move it or whatever, pls go ahead.
So now Ive apologised will you please sign the petition ;)
Agent Z said: haha....wat subject was bludgy for you???
IPT. Then I got to my serious exams and the pain began :(
plus, the blugey teach I had knew nada about IPT, so she was no help. The pain, the pain
Did you take any bludge units?
Okay, the reason I got so pissed was that she was being so smug about something I couldnt understand. I STILL dont understand how what I said was accusing, and I feel she was behaving like a total tool.
As for making friends with her, but no offence, if youre that dim and bitchy, well...
I wasnt talking about 'friends in person' I actually meant on the board.
And, to me, youre making a big deal out of the word fucking. I find her attitude far more offensive then my language.
Um, she said bastard first and called me an idiot, then she attacked me in a totally uncalled for manner. I think a bit of the f word was more then justified.
And seriously, although I understand my method of quoting 'differed from the norm of the board' I dont really think its that confusing...
Hey, can I just say (as a year 12er) I hated Business studies in Yr11, but now I am in love with it
Good luck with your choices-- I hope you like them
Agent Z is right- especially about the bludginess part. Take it from someone who went down that path, sadly the subjects you think are bludgy...
Re. The above post
Umm--- is the idiot child me? Or is this talking about someone else?
I dont get it--At no point did I say you cross posted. And yes, I admitted I posted in 3 sections AND APOLOGISED and said I wouldnt do it again.
Transfer pricing- a strategy used by MNCs to reduce tax through use of cross border transactions. It does this by underselling its output in a high tax country.
Hey pete- AFAIK<< what does that mean please?
Hey, Bermuda's the eg I always use!