Okay. Well, I was actually implying that it was Kim who is dim and bitchy, not really you.
Because, a. she was wrong b. she was a bastard in the process of being wrong c. she didnt apologise for being wrong (seriously, this couldve ended with her going 'whoops, misunderstood your method of quoting, which, although not being with the norm of the board is not really that hard to understand okay buh bye') and d. she ruined an actually interesting discussion (well, to me, cause Im into that kind of crap

)about TNCs and nike and e. after she started the shit storm, she just disappeared
I was annoyed at you because you were fighting a fight for someone who wasnt even fighting it for themselves anymore.
Although I dislike that (and also because, you are in this argument, against me), I do not think you are bitchy.
So, conclusively, I am not calling you, rhapsodyinblack, anything nasty.
Your friend Kim on the other hand.....
Well, lets just say I dont like people who start stupid fights and dont finish them
I appreciate you signing the petition though