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  1. L

    people album

    hallooo, i just got that email about this people album thing, its wierd coz this girl on my floor has been going on about 'face book' and how big it is in the states, sounds like such a rip off...
  2. L

    How are the buses in Canberra?

    why the rice cookers (other than the obvious)? and they do have microwaves at fenner?
  3. L

    an innocent question....

    Yay! thanx!- this does apply 2 fenner right?
  4. L

    Anyone else scared?

    count me in!
  5. L

    an innocent question....

    hypothetical situation: if a couple of my friends wanted to visit during o week would they be able to crash in my room for a night and sleep on the floor as they are stinges lol.
  6. L

    So who got an offer?

    does this mean we have 2 make our own timetables or r they made 4 us?
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    the 'period'

    if ur staying at fenner, the period ends on 17/11, which is a whole week after uni ends i think
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    'ANU Pre-departure Information Evening' - Thurs. 2nd Feb 2006

    im not going 2 the info nite, it sounds a bit useless. i also didnt know about this pea thing, would anyone say its really necessary to go to it?
  9. L

    2006 Roll Call (For Continuing Students Too!)

    1st yr, b asian/b sci, fenner hall
  10. L

    So who got an offer?

    i got asian/sci, tho im still considering changing 2 asian/arts. hmm
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    13th of FEB

    huh? i swear i read evryone was supposed to move in on the 11th?
  12. L

    Asian studies for Asians?

    hey ian! i'ts lucy, i didnt know u were considering asian studies. so r u definately going 2 anu?
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    does any one do or know anyone who does BA in organisational learning?

    i'm just considering it as a back-up course, love it? hate it? i' d appreciate any comments whatsoever
  14. L

    UQ vs ANU

    about the job thing, it looks like im gonna have 2 work though uni so i realize maybe a combined degree isnt gonnna happen. by 2-3 courses do u mean to do uni part time?
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    What UAI did you get?

    sam:87.7 05 uai:89.5 nice suprise, but now i noe what all the rage about getting 89 is about:P
  16. L

    ANY normal/ average people in here?

    yup, this lks like my forum 5x b5 and 1 e2 :p works 4 me
  17. L

    Roll Call

    yes, so i figured- i found the handbook, thanks for the advice
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    Roll Call

    so really there no way i could major in psych and jap?
  19. L

    Roll Call

    any one do asian studies? i wanna do arts/asian but i dunno about the cultural study bit or whaterer it is, i just wanna study jap. also is psych considered a science or an art?
  20. L

    Whos Goin To Port Macquarie (Sundowner)

    yay port macquarie! hi stine!