I have two units that they automtically put on our enrolment form for sem 1 which are.... (just finding the sheet)
Language and Literacy - lectures go for 1 hr, tut 2 hr
Issues in Ab Education - lec 2 hr, tut 1hr
I'm doing B Education (Primary) and I just worked out my timetable yesterday.
For semester one I am only doing 6 hrs a week of lectures and tutorials. Then for semester two it jumps to twelve hours a week.
Does this sound all good or am I missing something?
If I were you I would edit that down to allow yourself time to mould your practiced essay to the question during the exam. It will take a few minutes to decide what parts of your essay you're going to use, if there's other things you could add or make up some sentences that relate directly to...
No, but I wish I had applied for one.
I was at that stage during the HSC when I was sure I was gonna get a crap mark and never amount to anything etc, but I think I would have had a chance if I'd bothered to apply.
Someone I know got into some Advanced Science at Campbelltown on a...
As far as lesbians at our school - none openly admitted to it, but I did see to girls pashing at the top of the stairs one day and they were unbelievably close friends so I always assumed a little something was going on there.
In our grade, only one guy came out a little after school finished (basically at the formal.) I was probably a little naive about him and if I'd thought about it more carefully, I'd have picked it up sooner because we were quite close friends. There are probably one or two closet homosexuals...
The normal Kazaa was crap cause it filled your computer with spyware and pop-up ads and stuff. Kazaa Lite is great except for the whole dishonest/illegal thing.
If it portrays as accurately as is possible (from what we know to be fact) the events that occurred, then I'm all for it.
As for being anti-Semitic, the Jews at that time did kill Jesus in a terribly painful way - so why try and disregard that fact in the name of political correctness...
My preferences:
1. B Ed (Primary Teaching) @ UWS
then the same degree at Wollongong, then Sydney, then UTS and then Catholic Uni
Education required anywhere from 79 to 84 last year.
UAI: 92.45
I did 2 unit and have no idea what you're talking about. And from what I've read on this site the general consensus is that it was ok. As far as the rite of personal devotion, I studied the other two as well and got thrown by that. BUT the syllabus says you have to know 'rites' in general and...