i don't think it's possible to change ur nick name rght?
so i try to make new account but it won't allow mwe to use my email address becasue only ONE email address to each account...so i was wondering can i just delete the unwanted account?
hope u get waht im on abt :P
so who does this coures?
anwya i been sick for the last week now and i couldn't turn up for the prac. and i heard there is a quizzies next week (3) on safty.
can someone tell me where i can study for this quiz, and how mcuh it's worth and most importanly when the quiz is on...thx a lot
the menaing of the ending was becasue ...when they guy went to the "plante of the apes" he brang some technology with him like (spac ship and guns) ..adn the ape learnt how to use this tech...hence the sceen where the apes use the gun ...adn they are able to take ovber earth becasue of the...
u probaly won't believe this...but 4 days into uni and now im very sick...and i was wondering
if im sick and i miss around 2 tutes ...and they mark me absent .do i have to fill out the "speical conconsideration " form ..or is that form only for not able to complete assignment due to illness...
it was kick ass...i thouhg t the lectures should be around 500 poepel ....but there were only 150 ...BAH liars!!!
i think uni would turn out too be more fun then high school, even tho the palce is soo big takes ages to walk form one class to other..adn soo hot as well.. o well/
omg huy ..lol ur so funny. type so much upo i can't be bothered to read it...ahahh
as u can see year 12 0f 2004 this is what we have to put up with for the last year (huy!!) .:p