I'm not playing any cards. Its just a huge step for you from "the ultimate decision of my life". As for advertising - she's doing it for the benefit of those who want to apply. if you're not interested, skip it. There are a lot of people out there - with a lot less knowledge and experience than...
Good thread - and totally agree with Mr Shittles' points. I guess the only thing I want to add is that - no matter what course you're in - BAcc or UNSWAcc, its totally YOU and YOUR EFFORT that matters. If you're a good student/worker and motivated enough, BAcc is an excellent platform...
Actually, most of the firms have a list of courses that they want their potential cadets to choose from. And the course is usually Commerce with a major in Accounting. B Tax isnt one of them as far I remember.
Haha! Lack of technical questions was because none of the associates had any idea what the technical questions meant :) They had to shuffle through some training books :) HR came into IBD 15 minutes before the interview and said 'so who wants to take this one?'
It was hilarious, how everyone...