I think they're great because a) free bus b) park a bit further out and walk in c) if you are willing to pay a small sum (for the two hour spots it's worthwhile anyway), it's really easy to get a parking spot.
Wednesday night is student night because restaurants and bars don't usually make much money on those nights, so they needed a new market. A market that doesn't mind getting drunk on a weeknight. And until more recently, there were many more classes at the begining of the week than the end of the...
The first post (and I assume the rest of the thread) have a few good points... the early entry page is pretty bland right now cause it's still early.. but it does say "Online applications through this page will open early July and close mid-September. " Early Entry - Future Students @ UOW
Well, a google search of 'second hand textbooks' gave quite a few results, starting with
Textbook Exchange - Welcome to Australia's largest second hand textbook site
You could always do the posters around uni option as well.
Yes, but Subject Timetables will show all tutotial instances, not just the ones you're enrolled in, and the tutorial page won't show lectures. So you need to know which tutorials you're in and make your own timetable off the Subject Timetables page....
Assuming you're speaking of the Book Bank, that belongs to WUSA, and since the building is begin renovated, WUSA is currently crammed into a small space elsewhere and the book bank isn't available.
Officeworks, UniShop.
I hope none of you folks were silly enough to park in Georgina Avenue on the wrong side of the road and thus receive an $80ish parking fine.
Please people, read the sign where you park. The rangers pretty much make their quota just on the first couple of weeks of...
Unless you live 10mins walk from uni like me, and I'd rather not do 4:30-8:30 because that's just really horrific.
Since you're at campus east, I'd just to Wednesday morning/or Friday.
Not really, they're yet to implement something as useful as that. You'll need to create yourself a timetable in excel/your diary/your wall etc, using the times from that massive timetable and knowing which tutorials/labs you're enrolled in.
They pick those times to ensure the largest amount of people will be around- if they made tutorial enrolments at like 11:30am, you might be at work or doing something else.
I know it's annoying though, this week has been full of my house having alarms going off for 7:36pm and the like.
And yeah...
It's whatever it says in SOLS- so if it says AllWeeks, they start first week. If it says NotFirstWeek, then it's not til 2nd week. First year tutorials starting in first week is really rare though, the creative arts performance SOLSmail basically said Monday morning tutes are on cause that's...