lol, i am alraedy plaaning to go into hiding on Friday, i have a feeling that many will drop by or play some pranks lol :)
2 more daiz and 2 more exams,
cant w8 :)
next step is to w8 for results, that i am willing 2 forever w8 lol :|
i assume for many it was their last exam, so their probly partying like there is no 2moro,
from what my mates said, bio was str8 forward, but i dunno dont do bio :P
(1) Weigh out about 0.5g of ammonium sulfate. Record the exact mass.
(2) Add 10 ml of water to the (NH4)2SO4 sample and dissolve. Add 2ml of 1M HCl and 100ml distilled water. Heat on a hot plate to near boiling.
(3) Add 25ml of 0.20M BaCl2 solution dropwise without stirring...
Question: Describe an example of a chemical reaction such as combustion were reactants form different products under different conditions and would thus need monitoring
Combustion of Pentane:
Combustion in Excess Oxygen:
- Pentane burns purely to produce carbon dioxide and water...
lol we had a chem competion "titration" if your not familiar, and i scored a score of 4 :D, thats the best thng about it, however damn are the labs and equipment contaminated
UNSW 4 the world :D
lol mine is on Friday so imagine what i am thnking, + i am lazy :D
i did 2 hours 2dai i thnk that is enuff, but study time 4 me is slowly approaching, i cant wait :P
lol fair enuff, USYD is an overinflated UAI Jungle and their Science labs are dodgy anywaiz :O ;), i really hate that place 4 some reason hehehehehe,
anywaiz goodluck with HSC
damn i am so bored :|
in stead of worrying about HSC and UAI, best thng is to study lol,
i spent probly at least 1 month after trials predicting my UAI and it changed from 94 to even 73 lol, so i decided that i was gna study as hard as i can, and from there, fate decides what future lies ahead.
its 2 stressful...