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  1. L

    Army Reserves

    Reserves are bad, regulars hate reserves, reserves get paid way to much to do nothing, if you lucky you'll get to go overseas in reserves but its only like solomons and timor. In regs sections will carry 7 steyrs, 2 minimis, 2 66mm m72a6's, 2 glas, 2 claymores and thats about it
  2. L

    Australian Army Reserve

    Regulare do 72days now and choccos (reserves, chocolate soldiers, melt in battle) do like 28 days. Dont be a bitch and just go Australian Regular Army, so much fun best decision ever, rifleman is the bombdigity and believe me its not just full of dickheads, 1/3 i went through with had uni...
  3. L

    Becoming a Commercial Airline Pilot?

    Its not widely expensive if you do it the right way. Learn to fly, get your wings and then head out into the inside of australia, do mailruns, taxis, rfds, fly farm/mine employees in and out. It will take some years to get the required amount of hours but your always getting paid and in...
  4. L

    Anyone in Defense Force?

    Anyone in Defence Force? Anyone in ADF or interested in it, i've gone through all the intake process and im looking for my recruit training to start on the 4th or 11th april. And yes I realise I spelt defence wrong in the title
  5. L

    Past Schoolies Of 2000-2005, Help Needed!!!

    1. Please specify your age: 18 2. Please tick your gender. MALE 3. In what year did you attend Schoolies 2005 4. Where did you go to participate in Schoolies? Gold Coast 5. As a Schoolies participant, how much did you know about the event itself before you went? All...
  6. L

    Anyone Doing Henry LawsoN?

    Did it last year, 2, I did some a banjo patterson which shows the vast differences in respect to bush culture each had and an Enid Blythe one, cant remember name but it was about a wife that got murdered and showed the vulnerability of women in the bush
  7. L

    best place to get car stuff???

    Wheels- Tempe Tyres, cheapest and quick delivery anywhere, They have a website I just couldnt be bothered finding the address. Audio- Ebay, is definitely the cheapest, just be weary not many warranty's, overseas selllers etc.. Exhaust- Local exhaust joint will do it, should cost no one...
  8. L

    Are cars investment?

    My ute was limited to 200, so given writeoffs etc and the popularity of utes ATM, i'de be able to get the same if not more for my ute
  9. L


    Well maybe if you went outside the city into the country you will see that the 'australian culture' is still very strong. Country? I hear you say with a look of discontent. You know the place where you get all your food from. Politicians are just a small minority that walk around trying to root...
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    Best forward ever we need more poeple writing editorials like this. And just for the record, i'm not racist, I just hate everyone. Bring back the 'White Australia Policy'
  11. L

    Traffic infringements

    Lost mine for no p plates on double demerits, cop was a f'n noob as if i would purposely do that, fact of the matter i'de driven 5 hours straight and there's no easy way to put a p plate on the outside of a ute (comm) $160 And coming back from camping in the middle of nowhere down a dirt road...
  12. L

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    I work at graincorp in the bunkers, but others companies that pay around the same are coprice, vicgrain etc grain (wheat/barley/oats) joints either way
  13. L

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Im just 18 on 23bucks an hour rate, on sundays its 46 and public holidays 69 if you work it out its a minimum of 84k negative tax a year but only seasonal work so do try to do it about 6 weeks a year. Mind you it sounds good but try 40+ degree days standing in the sun for 10 hours unloading...
  14. L

    Any one get evicted or have cyco people in their units :D

    hmmm....... now your testing me, i met so many sweet people but can only remember about 3 names......... were you in petes/(fabio's, sorry ;-) ) room? lachlan BTW
  15. L

    Any one get evicted or have cyco people in their units :D

    The frilled neck lizard had a name... vodka F*ck George was the best security guard ever!!! That was one of 'our' rooms but not my rooms we were 703, what were you? Did you have a playstation2?!
  16. L

    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Study some what for trials, study really hard between trials and exams, cramming does work so do it, get summaries of notes from the resouces on this site and then go over anything you dont know it cuts down revision time
  17. L

    Tips for 2006 HSC Class

    Study some what for trials, study really hard between trials and exams, cramming does work so do it, get summaries of notes from the resouces on this site and then go over anything you dont know it cuts down revision time
  18. L

    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Study some what for trials, study really hard between trials and exams, cramming does work so do it, get summaries of notes from the resouces on this site and then go over anything you dont know it cuts down revision time
  19. L

    What did you think?

    Sorta predictable ag exam, nothing to out there on it. Seemed easier than other years. Did everyone else have heeps of time to do the last question, you only spose to spend 30mins on it but I flicked to it with well over and hour to go. It felt like they needed more lines for the two 6 mark...
  20. L

    Exam Q for tomorrow

    How we have 2hrs for paper one, after that do they collect the paper1 exams and then give us another hour and hand out the paper two exam or do they give us both and just 3 hrs to work through them?