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  1. Sastrawan

    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    Sorry aimhigh, but that reminds me so much of this: Yes, I'm fucked up :) EDIT: FUCK beaten to it! Anyway, here's the link so you know what the other two are on about ;)
  2. Sastrawan


    Be things as they may, I will feel sorry for the person who tops Ext 1 Maths, if they happen to be a Ruse kid. This controversy will kinda ruin that whole honour for them, and it is, regardless of anything, an honour to get full marks in any such exam, regardless of conditions. Nevertheless, I...
  3. Sastrawan

    1/3 of GUYS have this kind of DICK

    Thank you for your contribution, which, as always, has been invaluable.
  4. Sastrawan

    How to get your ex back?

    That footnote was quite necessary. If you broke up, then one of you doesn't love the other any more, or you have differences that you can't cope with. Either way, if you were to randomly get back together, it would make for a shit relationship. Move on, better people will come along. Or...
  5. Sastrawan


    LOL all in jest, TBK, don't take it to heart ;) I'm still not done :( that's my excuse, if you'll accept it
  6. Sastrawan


    lol sorry if I sounded flippant... you really don't have to worry - the exam isn't hard, since it covers a lot of what you already know due to school exams, etc. You marks won't matter very much in the grand scheme of things, and if you're struggling now, you really have plenty of time to make...
  7. Sastrawan


    You should probably cram for 31 hours straight. :D
  8. Sastrawan

    Positive Impacts of John Howard

    katie tully, ummm... lol? :S not that it was particularly funny. "blackies" do know how to feed their kids, and the fact that after over a year that not a single person has been arrested by the Intervention on child abuse charges shows: i) not every single Aboriginal person molests children...
  9. Sastrawan

    Morning Routine before school?

    Not even the HSC could make me give up my 8 hours of sleep a night :) I can't concentrate at all during the day if I'm underslept. I certainly don't understand how you guys (meaning Mr. 31 Hours back there, I can't remember his name) can stay up so much for the SC.... without trying to be...
  10. Sastrawan

    Positive Impacts of John Howard

    Because riding a mining boom was pretty hard to do, as was withdrawing money from tertiary education and starving Medicare. And taking a confrontational attitude towards Indigenous Australia, dogwhistling the racist politics of Pauline Hanson and pursuing a non-consultative, whitey-knows-best...
  11. Sastrawan

    Positive Impacts of John Howard

    LOL OWNAGE. Which Keating, incidentally, dished out in spades.
  12. Sastrawan

    BCS theory

    BCS Theory is a bald-faced lie. Or at least they way it's explained in this course. :P
  13. Sastrawan

    Help on photoelectric effect

    Damn it, that means the only thing we have to go on is Success One's word... This is going to be tricky. I learned, in this course, then when dealing with the photoelectric effect, that the intensity of the incident is proportional to the number of photons. With this logic, if you had the...
  14. Sastrawan

    The Meissner Effect

    It's okay, take it easy :) I just wanted to sort out a few things; sorry if you feel this is covering old ground. I don't see why Lenz's law is taking such a beating here... it hasn't been mentioned in any marking scheme I've seen, so I don't know why it's become such a big deal - I don't...
  15. Sastrawan

    Help on photoelectric effect

    Yeah, that seems wrong to me. Could you say which exam it's from, because we might be able to cross-check with the HSC marking guidelines...
  16. Sastrawan

    Best physics textbook?

    Not strictly as a textbook, but one of the best resources imo is Success One + Marking Guidelines downloaded from Board of Studies. The practice you get from that is invaluable.
  17. Sastrawan

    crapping urself?

    Success One is your best friend, imho. If you read through all of the sample answers, you get a feel for what's required for each kind of question. If you're cramming now, you might like to consider this (among other things :P). And if something similar comes up in the exam and you remember what...
  18. Sastrawan

    3u method Projectile

    Yeah, mathsy people will want to use the 3u formulas, because they superficially seem "better motivated". But remember, the physics course teaches you physics formulas for a reason, and I wouldn't run the risk of using notation that Physics isn't familiar with. Not of course implying that you...
  19. Sastrawan

    Does God exist?

    Hey, thanks man. Actually, I thought I was being very uncertain, but I guess the sheer length of my post made it seem as though I was being dogmatic and assertive when I actually wasn't. I was just throwing those ideas out there to see what people thought, and whether there were any holes in...
  20. Sastrawan

    RFTG creative writing for HSC please

    LOL Wells, is THAT what you call ownage? I was expecting some massive dissertation in which you demolish some guy's argument! I agree whole heartedly that plagiarism is wrong on every level, but I think it's a tad idealistic to say that HSC creatives are "original" and "spontaneous". Something...