Here are some responses to FAQ about actuarial studies. Although obvious, the following are just my opinions.
Difficulty and Maths
Macquarie vs UNSW
Difficulty and Maths
For most actuarial students, the actuarial program is difficult. But it is nowhere near...
All actuaries and actuarial students ever do is estimate. So all our statements (when we are working) should almost always be qualified with the word 'probably'. ;)
How about this: "Ds and HDs probably mean employable degrees." :D
I thought, *flick hair* would be more suitable.
In my line of...
A couple of weeks ago, I read the bottom of the exam timetable page, and it said Tuesday, 19th December 12:01 am (and I was sure I didn't misread it). So I thought no more about it. And then someone posted in this thread. So I went to check.
And then someone told me that they had changed it...
I think the server is going to be reasonably quick tonight, because not too many people know when the results are released (or at least I didn't). They all this its later. Otherwise, there'd be a few others on here.
I'm reading / listening to some lectures for the first time (or the third time) and its amazing how much (more) sense its all making now. As people have already suggested - stay away from BoS.
The Chelsea midfield looks paper thin. Maka may still be out, and Essien is definitely out with a ban. And Ronaldinho and Messi look good.
Real and Arsenal should be an interesting game. Which team has the leakier of defences?
Bayern and Milan should be an interesting fixture. Have Bayern...
I read somewhere that Xabi Alonso was getting a degree at some Spanish university. Anyway, who needs a degree when you get paid $120,000/week and call yourself the best defender in the world? Or do bench warming duties for $60,000/week and then go to the press and claim to feel left...