year 12

  1. M

    Do You Need To Have A Certain Amount Of PRELIM Hours For A Course?

    My friends have been switching subjects late year 11 and I was wondering if the low hours in the courses will be an issue? I believe you don't need to do the prelim course to do the HSC course as NESA allows you to switch subjects until mid year 12?
  2. M

    What Is The Latest You Can Switch A HSC Subject

    According to NESA it's mid year 12 (Junish) but just wanted to know. Also is it an absolute requirement to have done the prelim course, even if its not a content heavy subject and is pretty easy?
  3. 8

    what subject to drop??? pls help!

    Hi! I'm currently in year 11 and will be in year 12 next term. I study 3u maths, 3u english, 2u bio, 2u chem, 2u beginners italian and that is all currently 12 units My dilemma is that I don't know what to drop. I want to do something science-y in the future so I expected to drop ext eng, but...
  4. M

    Is This A Normal Way To Teach PDHPE

    In our school every lesson for PE, we sit a syllabus test and we must write out the entire year 12 PDHPE syllabus word for word in correct order. If we get any wrong we must rewrite the syllabus 5-10 times due the next lesson.
  5. Sir Jigger II

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    Questions regarding selective entry after year 7
  6. M

    Not Sure Whether To Drop PE And Pickup A VET Course for a 90+ ATAR pathway

    Hey Everybody, I'm a year 11 student that is currently undertaking Maths Advanced, English Standard, Investigating Science, Business Studies and PDHPE. I am doing quite well in Math and my goal is to get a 90+ ATAR. I'll be honest I dislike PDHPE as a subject and I want to drop it. Since I will...
  7. W

    Do I need to retake my HSC (and repeat Year 11 and 12) if I want to get into University?

    Title. So, basically, the further I progressed through school, the more my grades turned from As into Es. By the end of Year 12 (2021), I graduated a total of 2 subjects, with terrible grades (bad HSC, no ATAR). I later found out that I have a bunch of mental health conditions influencing me...
  8. A

    Can you repeat year 12 or is it too late?

    I am not satisfied with the results, I probably would've done much better had I gotten my mental health issues in check earlier, is it even possible to repeat because the 1st term of the 2023 students is already over?
  9. S

    Business studies- Case study question? Urgent please

    Hi guys, I am going to do quanta’s for my case study but does anyone have any idea for what the question could be about for business case study that is worth 6 marks?
  10. moonbow

    ok mark, bad rank

    i got my modern history assessment 1 back (weighted 30%), somehow misunderstood the question and got a 84% - i think im second last within a cohort of ~25 at a top 100 school . i dont understand much about the system of scaling, internals etc but roughly how bad is this if im aiming for a 90s...
  11. thatnormster

    Which related text should I do?

    Hey! Just a quick survey. If you're going to suggest something other than the 2 I've gotten, let me know what you think based off of the reading list my school gave me.
  12. P

    Subject changes

    I am currently going into year 12 and do: - Math advanced - Math extension - English advanced - Chemistry - Physics - Legal studies - Studies of religion 1 I want to drop legal studies because It will not help me with what I want to do and I would like to pick up math extension 2. Legal...
  13. Great Southern Land

    How do I prepare for Year 12 during the school holidays?

    With the first half of the school holidays over, I have been very lazy playing tonnes of video games the whole time and don't know where to start and how to prepare for Year 12 and the HSC. What can I do during the school holidays to prepare me for the 2022 and HSC?
  14. sophieecam

    Questions about the IRP

    Hey everyone! :) We recently got the assessment notification for the IRP and I just had some questions about it in regards to the primary and secondary research 1) My first question is how many methods of primary research do we have to do? Should we do more then one? 2) For secondary research...
  15. C

    ENG EXT OR GEO....???? 🚑💨💀

    Hi guys if you're reading this PLS help me out!!!! I currently have 13 units for Y12 (4u math, 3u eng, mod his, chem, geo) And I'm thinking about dropping either 3u eng or Geography but I can't choose... both have their pros and cons Drop Eng Ext, Keep Geo Drop Geo, Keep Eng ext - Geo is a...
  16. L

    Please Help (I need advice on what subject to drop)!!!!

    Hello everyone! I need some advice on what subject to drop. I'm currently in my 2nd week of Term 1, Year 12. I am planning on dropping either Physics or Business Studies. Both my Physics and Business Studies teachers aren't very helpful (literally just read out the textbook) to the point where I...
  17. W

    what to do before starting year 12?

    hey guys :) So the thing is I didn't do so well in prelims for maths ext 1+adv and chem, and I'm wondering if I should just study ahead for the year 12 course content or take time to thoroughly revise my year 11 stuff? I haven't got much time until year 12 and I'm stressing out not knowing what...
  18. cpt Drew

    Turning my Grades Around

    CONTEXT: Recently throughout secondary school, I've experienced a lack of motivation which results in my lack of effort being put in school. I've done quite well with Crypto/Stocks so I always thought that the ATAR just determined how fast you got to your desired dream job. Fundamentally, I...
  19. easyAessay


    Not accepting submissions via this thread anymore due to a recent influx in my PMs in particular. I really enjoy checking out your writing, though, so check out my new thread, which offers marking with value for money...
  20. N

    I'm doing bad internally can I still get a 90+ atar

    I just got my results from our last round of exams (the next round will be trials which is worth 30% at my school). I did so bad for every subject this time.... I don't have all my ranking finalised at this stage but here is the gist: English (adv): 80/163 Maths(adv): 90/100....yes I KNOW...