Winston: How much did you sell your laptop for? Was his name also Winston?

Anyway, I'm gonna be seeing M face tomorrow in 8am discrete *mmm.. 8am starts*, so I'll ask her about it.
Ragerunner: You better of heavily modified your assignment, because universities have now have implemented anti-plagerism software to the calibre such that they can still detect plagerism even when you've edited the original work to a certain extent.
For example, changing words such that the past tense is reflected into the present, or switching around the subject and object of a sentence around (e.g The cat (subject) went and slept onto the mat (object) --> The mat (object) was slept on by the cat (subject). Again, the software wouldn't be THAT smart, but I'd still watch your back. I don't know what the actions are for your uni, but friend of a guy in my bio prac group was caught for plagerism in one of his assignments for one of the science subjects and failed instantly for that subject. He got an expulsion warning should he be caught a second time.
Also you shouldn't just focus on the marks only aswell. Sure, passing is great, but those assignments and shit we have to do are there to develop our knowledge and practical skills. Assuming Howard gets re-elected (which I doubt.. well I sure ain't voting for that bitch), there may soon be tests implemented for uni students to evaluate how well we can translate our degree skills to the working environment (cause lots of times employers want not only people who have the degrees, but also the practical skills and common sense to be able to give the company what they're paying you for.
Xiao: I saw some guy who dressed up in a Donald Duck shirt near Fisher library the other day. He was kinda Asian looking.. and he was always smiling.. kinda freaky LOL. That wasn't you was it?
Bubz: wo yei huey yin gai qu Escape (my pin yin sucks, please don't laugh at me
