Star Wars III rocked. *SPOILERS* Alot more emotional than I thought; I was teary eyed as Obi cried out to the mutilated Anakin and his subsequent response was bone chilling and heart wrenching. Generally speaking a more eloquent screenplay by Lucas. The chorus music to Kenobi Vs. Vader was also pretty compelling.. along with the whole climactic scene in general near the end such as when Yoda battles Sidious on the rising Republic Parliament chairman's float. Also I should add that I thought the overall pacing of the entire film was pretty well done, to me it was fast-paced and never really dragged on at any particular stage of the 2 or so hours. Acting by Christensen seemed to be alot better than the previous two. The movie itself was also pretty sad, as Anakin was manipulated by Palpatine/Sidious to the Dark Side to save his wife.. which ironically caused him to kill her in the end, not to mention the trajedy of the downfall of the Jedi caste. SWIII was a great wrap-up of all the loose ends and issues with SWI and II, but it also puts a very clear and emotional relevance to IV-VI and explains a lot of things we took for granted. It makes every other SW movie better.
CGI was top-notch, and there was some impressive cinematography, especially some of the long CGI takes at the beginning in the orbital battle. Overall, the film seemed to have patched up the prequels to the originals pretty well in my opinion, and Lucas certainly has redeemed himself over the past 2 films with a clear winner. One of the best of the 6, imo. Can't wait to see it again and to buy it on DVD.