0o0 said:
It's funny how whenever people talk about human rights (or lack thereof) in China, [someone] always compares it to another country's record because they somehow hope it will downplay the fact that China TORTURES NUNS AND MONKS FOR PEACEFUL PROTESTS, and IMPRISONS 15 YEAR OLD KIDS. Oh yeah and I'm sure it's our fault that Aborigines are getting arrested. Whatever the case is in Australia, at least the Abos aren't getting tortured or put in prison for riduclous ammounts of time in this day and age. what were you saying about tibetans faring better? When Tibetans get extra financial assistance and other government benefits like the Abos do here in australia (not to mention stopping the whole nun torturing stuff), then I might give a shit about your argument.
And actually I do have a case, once again you've conveniently disregarded and ignored the amnesty international report, outlining very clearly the abuse of human rights in china (not just in Tibet) - but then again cretins like you dont care about facts.
*Yawn* you really like troll posting don't you?
Oh and yes 15 year old so and so plus nuns or monks arressted and beaten up or 'tortured' if you prefer. Why were they arrested? Because they were Tibetians? No, how bout try because they broke the law.

Tibetians are expected to obey the law same as anyone else, why should they be treated any different?
So what if it was a peaceful protest? Does that somehow make it more legal? If you're not allowed unauthorised protests and you still protest regardless then you have broken the law and deserve to be punished.
Sound like a silly law? Maybe it is, but then they can have any laws they want, you don't like it, don't go there. Same as how women in Saudi Arabia are banned from driving, seems silly to me, but then its their country, their business. If I don't like it then I don't go there, doesn't mean I have the right to decide their laws for them.
Abos are being treated really well in Australia? Sure they get some handouts, but their lifestyle, education and lifespan levels are FAR below the general norm. I could say its because the Australian government 'oppresses' them or its their own fault for being lazy. Same as Tibetian dissadents in China, I could say they are being 'oppressed' by the government, or because its their own damn fault that they don't follow the laws like normal people and just cause trouble to themselves.
Either way, at the most Tibetians are simply expected to obey the same laws as anyone else in China, That's simply being fair. They aren't being culled to near extinction like aboriginies who weren't really considered to be 'human' by the white settlers in Australia. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones