Hey guys please tell me what I could possibly get.
For the Clone example I said Dolly the Sheep and the benefit I talked about, having an abundance of meat ( LMAO)

, then I talked how it helps scientists practice and what they learn can one day be applied to humans, which means we can get organs with no rejection.
What will I get out of 3 for the second part of the clone question
Also for the 6 marker on the model. I defined what gene linkage was, talked about how they follow Mendels laws ( they come in the 3: 1 ratio instaed of the 9:3:3:1) and said using punnet squares helps indentify patterns, Can I get atleast 2/6 for that.
For the 7 marker I talked about Chromosome mutations, gene mutations gave examples, then talked about what gene therapy was, DNA hybridiation and the method for attmepting to cure Cystic Fibrosis.
7/7 for that?
Thanks heaps.