Doubt this is the first time you've agreed with my views

And if it is, then I've finally started to work my magic on you
Disagreed. I might be a bit biased since turntaker's was in one of my failed study groups and thus I'm = more sympathetic towards him than some random person I don't ~know~ on the net, but the people who you've labeled as ones who've continued using derogatory words incessantly, include those who haven't yet realised about the implications behind such language. Like what I've mentioned in my previous post (which you agreed with), such vocab has become the
In turntaker's case I think he didn't realise the extent of how offensive some of his language were (no offense tho, it escalated pretty quickly :/) however, I legit don't know
anyone who's willing to conform to another person's expectation if they're almost forced or pressured into it. It's the standard scenario of 'I told you so' that everyone wants to avoid.
Besides what exactly is your definition of derogatory? Is it politically uncorrect language? I've seen other people use gay or retard, policeman, postman etc on this forum and no one's blown up at them to this extent. What's so special about turntaker if I may ask?