The thing is... it all comes down to a person's socio-economic background, what values have they been brought up with, and what external forces have influenced them to espouse what they believe in. And maybe from there, they could get all
patriarchal on females, but again, as I state before, it's
all relative to the individual's upbringings. If someone suddenly has this revelation of "holy shit, my worldviews have forever been shifted because of some radical events", then great. At the same time, it's not necessary to go all anal with your beliefs on your friends - ultimately it's for them to make an informed understanding of whether X word is considered derogatory and Y word isn't.
To be honest, I think you misunderstood what I was saying; I was never, ever trying to be a dick and blurt out stuff like "well, your use of language is utter bullshit in this context, hence you are wrong in every single way" - if I was, the situation could've gotten more awkward (but this is the internet lol, peeps can do whatever the hell they want). I even PM'ed him to acknowledge what I posted and turntaker said it was alright, since he was just mucking around. So I will admit I did go overboard, but I was I ever trying to act all superior on turntaker? Absolutely not.
Maybe that's because there hasn't been a recent occurrence like turntaker's?

Lots of people I know on this forum definitely do not display similar sort of language - sure there's a few that act as keyboard warriors and intimate others, but as I knew them outside of BoS, they're much nicer. Which leads to what you said about me contradicting myself; just to clarify, I'm implying that turntaker's jokes IRL - not using terms like 'gay' or 'retards' on the - is completely different to the net, because you have to remember, online persona's don't necessarily reflect who they really are in the real world. So I'll let turntaker be with how he expresses his humour.

Because at the end of the day, this is an online forum, so there's so much you can say without getting bagged out. (a.k.a if you shitpost, you will get shitposted by others
