2026 HSC CHAT (5 Viewers)


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
phys, chem, 3u math
zhangs (y9-11, for junior sciences and then phys and chem)
  • for y9 and y10 science content it is a complete waste of money in my opinion bc they attempt to teach you a little bits and pieces of y11 and 12 content instead (i was taught y12 organic chem and y12 motor effect for phys), which you dont have the proper foundations to learn at that stage. you're better off just listening in science class at school genuinely speaking
  • for y11 chem and phys it is quite good, especially if you pick a good teacher (you can switch classes to see who you like better and stuff). kids from top selective schools swear by it pretty much bc they have challenging content and the teaching is quite thorough
  • i dont go there anymore because of it being too time consuming to go in person. i went online for a term but i just prefer going in person.
  • people might slander me for this but i found that the questions were very very specific. don't get me wrong, they weren't bad, but i found that often the types of questions i got in school tests or on past hsc papers were different to the zhangs questions. this is bc often they have less of a focus on content that they believe to be "too easy" and use really niche parts of the content to challenge you. this is not a bad thing but its not for me personally i want to see a broader range of question types addressing even a lot of the easier topics so it is good practice for school
  • their lesson notes can sometimes be lacking in comparison to other tutoring centres imo
ive only just had a trial lesson with ace hsc for chem and i like it, personally i found that their questions are good and they are pretty comprehensive with going through content and i really like the question types. i also like how i can see which specific dot point of the syllabus they are going through

kurts mathematics centre (y7- midway through y11)
  • hard to get into unless youre already smart
  • makes you want to die
  • ruins your self esteem
  • incredible questions - he essentially gets them from thsc papers from the past 30 or so years (baulko, ruse, nsb, nsg papers mostly) and then cambridge textbook enrichment questions
  • makes you spend so much time on maths you have no time to do other shit
  • so much homework - you get a lot of practise
  • atar = 99.95 + life, so if you want a 99.95, life=0
  • no fucking windows, feels like a dungeon
  • the air con is in antarctic temperatures in peak winter
  • traumatising
  • detentions if you fail the biweekly tests (ppl that can consistently get 60%+ can expect to band 6 e1, thats reflective of how hard they are)
dr du (midway through y11 - now)
  • i only go to maths tutoring for the questions lowkey bc i grasp concepts really easily and i dont need like a whole lecture on things, i prefer to spam questions - so they do yap a lot more than i would prefer but it is good yap if you need explanation to understand concepts
  • ranked classes (in descending order: a1, a2, a3, b): the higher ranked your class, the more homework/practise you get
  • in y12 if you are not in a1 or a2 its not worth your money imo bc you get wayy less questions and its not enough
  • weekly quizzes on the previous week's content - motivates you to keep on top of your work on a more regular basis
  • overall pretty good i like it


Active Member
Jan 11, 2024
zhangs (y9-11, for junior sciences and then phys and chem)
  • for y9 and y10 science content it is a complete waste of money in my opinion bc they attempt to teach you a little bits and pieces of y11 and 12 content instead (i was taught y12 organic chem and y12 motor effect for phys), which you dont have the proper foundations to learn at that stage. you're better off just listening in science class at school genuinely speaking
  • for y11 chem and phys it is quite good, especially if you pick a good teacher (you can switch classes to see who you like better and stuff). kids from top selective schools swear by it pretty much bc they have challenging content and the teaching is quite thorough
  • i dont go there anymore because of it being too time consuming to go in person. i went online for a term but i just prefer going in person.
  • people might slander me for this but i found that the questions were very very specific. don't get me wrong, they weren't bad, but i found that often the types of questions i got in school tests or on past hsc papers were different to the zhangs questions. this is bc often they have less of a focus on content that they believe to be "too easy" and use really niche parts of the content to challenge you. this is not a bad thing but its not for me personally i want to see a broader range of question types addressing even a lot of the easier topics so it is good practice for school
  • their lesson notes can sometimes be lacking in comparison to other tutoring centres imo
ive only just had a trial lesson with ace hsc for chem and i like it, personally i found that their questions are good and they are pretty comprehensive with going through content and i really like the question types. i also like how i can see which specific dot point of the syllabus they are going through

kurts mathematics centre (y7- midway through y11)
  • hard to get into unless youre already smart
  • makes you want to die
  • ruins your self esteem
  • incredible questions - he essentially gets them from thsc papers from the past 30 or so years (baulko, ruse, nsb, nsg papers mostly) and then cambridge textbook enrichment questions
  • makes you spend so much time on maths you have no time to do other shit
  • so much homework - you get a lot of practise
  • atar = 99.95 + life, so if you want a 99.95, life=0
  • no fucking windows, feels like a dungeon
  • the air con is in antarctic temperatures in peak winter
  • traumatising
  • detentions if you fail the biweekly tests (ppl that can consistently get 60%+ can expect to band 6 e1, thats reflective of how hard they are)
dr du (midway through y11 - now)
  • i only go to maths tutoring for the questions lowkey bc i grasp concepts really easily and i dont need like a whole lecture on things, i prefer to spam questions - so they do yap a lot more than i would prefer but it is good yap if you need explanation to understand concepts
  • ranked classes (in descending order: a1, a2, a3, b): the higher ranked your class, the more homework/practise you get
  • in y12 if you are not in a1 or a2 its not worth your money imo bc you get wayy less questions and its not enough
  • weekly quizzes on the previous week's content - motivates you to keep on top of your work on a more regular basis
  • overall pretty good i like it
omg thank u so much u angel im in debt to u 🙏😍😍 im thinking about going to zhangs for yr 11 content in chem js to stay ahead of everyone

crazy that they give u detentions bc im not paying allat jus to stay for longer even if the stuff is more challenging


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
omg thank u so much u angel im in debt to u 🙏😍😍 im thinking about going to zhangs for yr 11 content in chem js to stay ahead of everyone

crazy that they give u detentions bc im not paying allat jus to stay for longer even if the stuff is more challenging
yup zhangs is great make sure you ask in the tutoring forums for teacher reccommendations bc some of the teachers are top tier and others are not it imo

kurt is actually cheaper than dr du but for me the time committment was def not worth it, especially bc they already give us a lot of hw and if i fail on top of that im basically wasting a few days a week just on kurts shit.

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