And yes, me too. It's been an endless barricade of tests and assignments and whatnot recently, the holidays felt like nothing, I can't focus on anything without thinking 'Oh man I should be studying!! Why am I not studying!! This is so unproductive!'
AND it's only going to get worse from here. What the hell!!!
literally me,,,,, but also: don't worry that is literally the weekly mantra, we're gonna be fine!!!!!
during my junior years (7-9) i literally got 3's to 0's in my old myp school in design & tech (and probably became emotionally numb for like a month straight) but i was fine enough (excluding the fact that i slowly lost the 50% scholarship i had bc of burnout & inability to adapt quickly from cambridge to myp), but i'm slowly working my way back up by getting passionate in the one subject i actually like. in all honesty, you're probably doing better than me :]
and plus y7 - y10 is probably the only time i can be this blasé about grades and actually enjoy online life, so trust,,,,,, we WILL be fine,,,,,,,