5 Things I like about my school:
- Exceptionally good at Mathematics (for a semi-selective school, came 18th in the state last year woot!)
- School fees are cheap as....($110 general fee compared to several hundreds of dollars at other schools)
- New library and other recent upgrades especially in computers (Now we have a multimedia room!)
- Some very committed teachers (especially some of the Maths staff who write their own worked solutions to every exercise in the textbook!!!!)
- Close to where I live (so I can sleep just a little bit longer...

5 Things I hate about my school:
- Lack of adequate facilities and equipment in the classroom (that's what happens with cheap school fees)
- Screwed up English staff in which most cannot teach properly or understand the content (Their lack of commitment and laziness is what's dragging the school down)
- Selfish and arrogant principal (spends money on ruining the playground after completely covering our old beloved playground with black asphalt rather than upgrading our classrooms and goes on and on about how we are sooooo much better than every other "stupid" school)
- Corrupt non-selective students (no offence to them but their boisterous behaviour and rebellious attitudes can easily disrupt the learning of others)
- Rude office ladies (I had a bleeding nose once and came to the office with my hand gripping my nose with a tissue. This office lady told me to hold it with my bare hands and then walked off and never came back. I was left unattended in an awkward position holding my nose for almost an half an hour before I finally decided to walk out of the office myself! I encountered that same lady when paying money and she very rudely shouted at me accusingly in front of everyone for not bringing change...)