enoch said:
umm...i helped a few of my mates with chix probs...with very similar 'expereinces' with chix as u...umm i guess its pretty hard to help u as like most of the time wen i help em its like individual situations...ex.. one of my mates was at our formal and i helped him with like alotta things...tho nothing happened like with the chik...he did learn allotta things and get more confidence..
umm i guess u gotta remem is
-wen tlking to her u gotta ask like open qsns ehere the answer isnt a yes/no/i dunnoe/short phrase...even tho uve met her once
-wen shes answering ur qsns ...listen to what shes saying cos then u can continue the tlking with stuff shes tlking bout...ex..."yeah i went to watch a movie on sat..." there...u can ask bout wot movie she watched and stuff like that
-dun ask generic or gay nerdy or lame qsns..or tlk bout that'hows skool" that is like soo fuking generic...u can ask "wot skool u goto" however cos thats like i dunnoe ok i guess....dont ask nerdy qsns like"do u do ne past papers"or "wot do u wanna do in uni" rofl...LOOL...nd dun ask lame qsns llike "where do u live"///
-try nd tlk to her wen ur sorta alone...cos then all the focus is between u too and its easier for her to tlk as opposed if her friend or ur mate was there
-dun try nd flirt till she kinda fells comfortable with u...
-nd also how u flirt depends on wot type of chik she is she shy or...
-but yeah if shes comfortable and ur comfortable nd u guys r like laughing and stuff and ur sure its ok to flirt...then heres a good way to tell her ur interested...look at her eyes so that its just a bit too just...bout 3 secs id this like wen u guys rnt noe that ur interested...that would be THE best way to tell the chik ur interested...this will backfire if she isnt really into u thats why u should sorta spend a bitta time on the qsns
-if this works...err...she blushes...or woteva...ull know....then proceed on tlking to her...sorta keep asking her qsns...ull noe wen shes interested when she starts laguhing at nething...then sorta add in a few dirty stuff...every so often...thats like the flirting bit...
-oh and sorta act urself..if ur a nerd or quite person dun try and act like a jock or woteva...obviously if she kinda liikes u then she likes woteva u are..
-oh nd fix ur self nice...on the exterior..if ur at a party or going out and u noe shes gonan be there...wear some decent clothes..put on some ur hair...woteva...just make sure ur mate was going to formal...and i helped him out with wot to wear...he was gonna bear a black suit, white shirt, and a grey tie....thats not the way to go to be approachable...he looked WAAY too i changed his tie to a pink tie ...and immediately he looked ok.
i guess further help would prolly be like assessing ur own individual scenario cos u havent really said nething THAT much...individuale probs require indiv yeah if u did actually think that my help was helpful...i can help u more...if it isnt....well...theres something wrong in ur execution...
yeh mate..thansk 4 that!..ahh i tried not 2 put 2 many personal details in there obviously

but enough i think so u guys woulod vaguely understand my situation...
im very appreciative! ahh yeh well a few of my mates r annoying when they r that situation..they owuld giggle or laugh or watever at me wen im trying to talk to her..but yeh im over that..ive gained confidence..and common sense with girls that suit my personality...
i dont get a UAI..(damni wish i was wrong) of 99...but im quite intelligent still..and well my ex...she was drop-dead gorgeous..but she was just soo frustrating to talk 2 coz she had the maturity age of a yr7..i felt like a pedophile :| haha (she was only 9 months younger so i actually wasnt!

) I still go 4 looks..but having an awesome fun time with them is so much more attractive to me much less shallow for it
yeh shes quite shy so i htink i might take that approach..i perved at her a few times..but she didnt see me...and she perved at me quite a number of times during the night..but i unfortunately didnt catch her
joking around n then flirting i think..would b the way to go 5 bloomin' weeks!
thansk guys!..dug me out of a bottomless pit of tragic teenage romance

..i feel so pathetic asking abt this when people in this world have REAL problems