The thing is the government don't really know how to treat the Aboriginal community. Some want to integrate into white Australian society, others want to stay true to their traditional ties and [most] others are caught somewhere in the middle, not knowing what they want due to their upbringing and treatment. So they take the governments money and do shit with it. The thing is, this in itself is not just an Aboriginal issue, I know plenty of "doll bludgers" and they are like that because of their upbringing and lack of education. It just so happens that the majority of the Aboriginal community suffer from this kind of background due to many societal and cultural influences.
It is DEFINITELY not just the stolen generations, but the way some may see it is that if white civilisation hadn't invaded they would live in a community where they are welcome and equal, and where their values are clear and important. Obviously, this isn't how it is. Fundamentally I think it's up to society as a whole to promote tolerance and acceptance and just accept the fact that nothing will be solved overnight.
Women are still underpriveledged, even if it may not be evident to some people. Just look at the workplace hierachy and where gender fits in. And women share the same history, values and cultural acceptance as men, their transition from suppression to equality will always be smoother than that for Aboriginals.
My point is that this struggle towards acceptance of ANY group is a long one, and there is very little we as individuals can do, or are willing to do. However derogatory comments and accusations towards the Aboriginal community will NEVER help achieve anything except more segredation and discrimination.
I don't know HOW to solve this issue, but I have an idea how to not solve it.

If that makes sense?