Originally posted by kini mini
"Tech" was the word at my school, never heard it anywhere else
tech was used at our school in like yr 7-8, but i haven't heard it since...soooooo passe kini!
as for the selective classes, i'm all for it. People can choose not to participate if they are *that* protective of their social standing, and from my experiences in yr 11-12, when selectiveness developed to a certain extent by virtue of there being standard, advanced, extension1-2 english and the maths equivalents, more people who might be considered "smart", "academic" or at the very least "motivated" started to socialise with one another more anyway so that a minor chasm began to develop within the year.
It also has some advantages of an external economy of scale as well, in that the "gifted" students tend to learn more from each other and push themselves more. At the same time, its not healthy to completely segregate the "gifted" from their mere mortal classmates
people have different qualities that should be valued and are even smart in different ways that are sometimes not appreciated enough by the conventional schooling systems. Thats kind of the purpose of a comprehensive rather than all-out selective school.