as a side note, one of the most practical courses which will equip you with skills to help value a company that i believe will serve well in a financial career is spreadsheet modelling...
i can tell you now, knowing how to set up a ss to discount a company's future cash flow for 10-15 years back to present value, keeping in mind inaccurate data, accounting for worst and best case scenarios etc. is priceless and is what will seperate you from the chumps when you graduate.
a couple of examples:
check out OPL and it's share price since October last year.... i first valued it when it was 26-35c and i could see it was way undervalued... it's now sitting at 90c and i believe it's worth $1-$1.20. Keep an eye on it over the next few months early next year (jan sometime prolly) as we're expecting the results of the NW Lost Hills drill which may contain 300BCF gas or so...
keep an eye on MAE... another under-valued stock which is worth anywhere from $0.65-$1.20-$2.00... i haven't run the figures on this one myself, but based on a free cash flow of $7 million at 40c giving it a market cap. of $60 million, I had it under-valued by 15-20% based on current cash flow and didn't account for any future cash flow. It's jumped about 20% in the last week and I haven't calculated my own figures of what it's worth yet.. but rest assured it's worth more than what it is currently since they'll be drilling over a dozen more wells in the new year which should get immediate hookup to a pipeline which means cash flow.
Anyone can tell you to use dollar cost averaging over 10 years to buy blue chips... picking 3-4, even up to 10 baggers requires skill more than luck. Most people hate valuing stocks too, so if you become known good at valuing stocks, it'll help you to build up a network of people.
if you have time over the hols, get your hands on:
the warren buffet way by hagstrom
the intelligent investor, 5th edition by Benjamin Graham
bringing down the house: story of 6 M.I.T students who took vegas for millions
liar's poker
prolly best to order from too, it works out cheaper even after u pay for shipping.