Advice on Moving Schools (1 Viewer)

Mar 21, 2022
Hi everyone, I need some really solid advice on moving.

at the moment, i am in year 11. Id like to move schools but im not sure if I should. If i do move, i should most likely do it now, but im not sure of any schools in my area that i should move to (blacktown area).

social factor is def something im considering (not much of a big deal- the school i may move to in 12 is a senior and a handful of my friends already go there) but
ATM im prioritising the hsc, so should i move?

the school im also thinking about moving to is only accepting year 12, applications open soon so is it worth it?

the reason i am moving is because i truly do not think i can achieve the best marks i know i can get at my school. I also do not do the subjects i want, due to my school not running most of them.

Also, im thinking of moving from standard math to advanced maths. Standard is really easy for me atm so should i go up to advanced if i move?

thanks for all the advice in advance


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Essentially, if you strongly believe that you will not be able to perform to the best of your abilities at your current school and that, by moving to the school that you are thinking of, you will be able to achieve your academic goals, then this could constitute a basis/added certainty in terms of this being a good decision. Your experience throughout year 11 at your current school (including performance/results) may enable you to make an informed decision in that regard.

It is important to note that changing subjects in year 12 may not be possible, even if the school that you are thinking of moving to offers the subjects that you wish to take. This is because students must satisfactorily complete the Preliminary course (i.e. the year 11 course) before they are eligible to commence the corresponding HSC course (i.e. the year 12 course). However, a transition from English Advanced to English Standard and/or Mathematics Advanced to Mathematics Standard is possible for instance.

Mathematics Advanced is more difficult than Mathematics Standard and is also somewhat superior with respect to scaling. One of the main differences between Mathematics Standard and Mathematics Advanced in terms of content is that Mathematics Standard lacks the in-depth knowledge of higher mathematics that the study of calculus would provide, which is instead included in Mathematics Advanced (and higher). Overall, assuming that a change from Mathematics Standard to Mathematics Advanced is possible, your performance potential in Mathematics Advanced is an important consideration, i.e. are you confident in your ability to perform at a high standard in Mathematics Advanced similar to Mathematics Standard, which would be consistent with your goals? This is because some students may be able to demonstrate favourable performance in lower-level subjects as opposed to higher-level subjects, provided their rank relative to their cohort is high enough and that they are able to perform well in the HSC exam of the lower-level subject.

I hope this helps! :D

Eagle Mum

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
If you already have friends at the other school and it offers a wider range of subjects, then it sounds like it’s worth putting in an application. If you are offered a place, then you can find out if you’ll be able to take your selected subjects before you accept. What are the cons of moving? Is the commute significantly longer? Friends and siblings?

Have a chat to your maths teacher(s) to see what advice they can offer on whether you should take Adv Maths. I’m a bit biased because I love maths and would always encourage anyone to explore the subject to greater depths if possible, but I really have no idea which option would help you to maximise your ATAR if that’s your first priority
Mar 21, 2022
how does the other school rank compared to the school ur in rn?
Really badly lol. This is mostly because the school im currently at only went up to year 12 in 2020. So that means my graduating class will be the third graduating class of the school. In comparison to the other schools im thinking about, the ranks are better, but in comparison to other schools they’re alright
Mar 21, 2022
Essentially, if you strongly believe that you will not be able to perform to the best of your abilities at your current school and that, by moving to the school that you are thinking of, you will be able to achieve your academic goals, then this could constitute a basis/added certainty in terms of this being a good decision. Your experience throughout year 11 at your current school (including performance/results) may enable you to make an informed decision in that regard.

It is important to note that changing subjects in year 12 may not be possible, even if the school that you are thinking of moving to offers the subjects that you wish to take. This is because students must satisfactorily complete the Preliminary course (i.e. the year 11 course) before they are eligible to commence the corresponding HSC course (i.e. the year 12 course). However, a transition from English Advanced to English Standard and/or Mathematics Advanced to Mathematics Standard is possible for instance.

Mathematics Advanced is more difficult than Mathematics Standard and is also somewhat superior with respect to scaling. One of the main differences between Mathematics Standard and Mathematics Advanced in terms of content is that Mathematics Standard lacks the in-depth knowledge of higher mathematics that the study of calculus would provide, which is instead included in Mathematics Advanced (and higher). Overall, assuming that a change from Mathematics Standard to Mathematics Advanced is possible, your performance potential in Mathematics Advanced is an important consideration, i.e. are you confident in your ability to perform at a high standard in Mathematics Advanced similar to Mathematics Standard, which would be consistent with your goals? This is because some students may be able to demonstrate favourable performance in lower-level subjects as opposed to higher-level subjects, provided their rank relative to their cohort is high enough and that they are able to perform well in the HSC exam of the lower-level subject.

I hope this helps! :D
Oh my gosh, thank you! This really helps a lot. The preliminary course thing sorta sucks, but I’ll see if there’s any way to somehow work that out. Do you think itd be possible to pick uo extension English 1 if i move? Its not available in my school anymore because nobody chose it f(i was the only one who did, dropped it)

this information is really valuable though, thank you!!
Mar 21, 2022
If you already have friends at the other school and it offers a wider range of subjects, then it sounds like it’s worth putting in an application. If you are offered a place, then you can find out if you’ll be able to take your selected subjects before you accept. What are the cons of moving? Is the commute significantly longer? Friends and siblings?

Have a chat to your maths teacher(s) to see what advice they can offer on whether you should take Adv Maths. I’m a bit biased because I love maths and would always encourage anyone to explore the subject to greater depths if possible, but I really have no idea which option would help you to maximise your ATAR if that’s your first priority
Thank you! I dont really see any cons to moving at the moment other than tbe possibility of moving in year 12 which may be a tough transition, commute might be an issue but ill most likely be able ti work that out.

ill definitely consult my maths teacher about the advanced math conversation, thank you! I appreciate your help


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Oh my gosh, thank you! This really helps a lot. The preliminary course thing sorta sucks, but I’ll see if there’s any way to somehow work that out. Do you think itd be possible to pick uo extension English 1 if i move? Its not available in my school anymore because nobody chose it f(i was the only one who did, dropped it)

this information is really valuable though, thank you!!
No worries, glad to know it helped!

Picking up English Extension 1 in year 12 after dropping it in year 11 may not be possible, since you technically will have not completed the Preliminary course. However, you should definitely contact the school that you wish to move to regarding this in order to confirm whether or not this applies to your case.


Unknown Member
May 8, 2021
in your walls
Also, im thinking of moving from standard math to advanced maths. Standard is really easy for me atm so should i go up to advanced if i move?

thanks for all the advice in advance

Just a reminder that if you decide to move up to Advanced, the course assumes you completed not just 5.1 and 5.2, but also the majority, if not all, of 5.3, with these substrands:
  • Algebraic techniques
  • Surds and indices
  • Equations
  • Linear relationships
  • Trigonometry and Pythagoras’ theorem
  • Single variable data analysis
and at least some of the content from the following substrands of Stage 5.3:
  • Non-linear relationships
  • Properties of Geometrical Shapes

    This should just be food for thought -- though even if you haven't completed 5.3 it is possible to grind on the substrands specified on the website on your own, but there is also a chance you could struggle in Advanced as (in the case in my school) the Advanced course starts off with revision of these substrands (for my school, starting off with Functions, where knowledge of the non-linear graphs and being good at the first four dot points is needed). [Edit: spelling]

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