Firstly I am very sorry that you had such a difficult time in Ag class this year. It can be tricky to manage on your own, so well done.
One of the most difficult aspects of going through the course alone is working out the depth of information that you need. The resources that you mention in your post are very good for indicating this as they have all been written by experienced NSW Ag teachers specifically for the NSW course. It is also useful to check the keywords used in the
syllabus dot points against the
keywords glossary on the BOS website. These keywords will also help you in the HSC exam to work out the type of answer you need to write. Practicing some past papers is also a good idea.
If you have access to a DET login you can go to the
TaLe website and search for a free resource called HSC Agriculture. (It should come up at about number 5 in your search.) This resource was initially developed for Distance Education students, so is good for working alone. Unfortunately it is quite a large resource for you to work through with only weeks before the exam so I would suggest that you pinpoint areas of concern and concentrate there. You can locate information on specific areas by looking at the topic map in the teacher notes tab. This resource does not cover the electives as it was published before the electives were released by the BOS in the new syllabus.
There are some good resources online for the climate change elective. The most useful is probably the
Bureau of Meteorology website. If you search the site you will find numerous pages that clearly explain concepts such as La Nina, El Nino, SOI etc. The new
Climate Council website is worth a look. Also, for the impact of climate change on agriculture I like the new
Southern Livestock Adaptation 2030 website where they link to some scientific reports if you do not have a research study. A free resource called Laptop wrap: Agriculture - research study is available to help you analyse your research study on the
TaLe website (no DET login needed for this as it is not behind the firewall – go to Public section).
Send another message if you have any more specific questions.
Good luck.