Hey guys,
if I got kicked out of my home a few days after I submitted my scheme, does that mean that it cannot be included in scheme, even though my studies and stuff were affected?
Also, i know its way too late to mention this now, but could be fundraising leader or a school captain be added to the scheme as well?
The second part of your argument is invalid for EAS; but the first one is serious buisness. I believe you get your school to call up directly to the EAS office and they'll modify your application for you (seeing as this is a serious issue). Just ensure you have some sort of proof (police report, change of address, counseling, whatever proof you've got) and they'll fix it up for you.
That's only for Sydney Uni since they believe that only those who succeed are those who have no past problems.
Every uni has a limit of 10 I believe; Sydney accepts upto 5 and reserve a limited amount of slots for those EAS students (so they can manitain the screwed up people population to a minimum; strictly from their (assumed) perspective)
UTS reserves slots as well but gives the full 10 bonus marks if you get them.
The other Uni's place you in the same pool as non EAS students.
I'm not sure if you can break the 10 points barrier; but depending on your situation you could (Bomb-collar anyone?)
[BTW, yes I'm biased @ Sydney Uni as they really fucked up the Commerce presentation on Open day. FFS I want to know about the damn course not about all your achievements and OTHER FUCKING STUFF. 5 minutes of actual Commerce and 55 minutes of fucking marketing the Uni to parents.]
If your school's really crap then are you automatically included in the EAS? meaning you don't have to apply?
Yes, the disadvantages school scheme program is automatic. (max 3 points I believe) You only then have to apply if you've got other disadvantages such as financial issues or whatever.