All you want to know about the Educational Access Scheme (EAS). (1 Viewer)


Sep 24, 2011
Re: EAS scheme and uni entry

A great scheme for those who are truly disadvantaged.


New Member
Oct 20, 2009
If you have language speaking barriers are you eligible?

Like a friend of mine came from Sri lankan three years ago and all his schooling has been in Tamil medium (meaning he did not learn English well except for around an hour a week of English). Do you believe he is eligible?


Mar 17, 2011
so if you received the letter, it means you've been accepted for it? :S


Premium Member
Aug 7, 2008
Hey guys,
if I got kicked out of my home a few days after I submitted my scheme, does that mean that it cannot be included in scheme, even though my studies and stuff were affected?

Also, i know its way too late to mention this now, but could be fundraising leader or a school captain be added to the scheme as well?
The second part of your argument is invalid for EAS; but the first one is serious buisness. I believe you get your school to call up directly to the EAS office and they'll modify your application for you (seeing as this is a serious issue). Just ensure you have some sort of proof (police report, change of address, counseling, whatever proof you've got) and they'll fix it up for you.

i heard it was 5
That's only for Sydney Uni since they believe that only those who succeed are those who have no past problems.
Every uni has a limit of 10 I believe; Sydney accepts upto 5 and reserve a limited amount of slots for those EAS students (so they can manitain the screwed up people population to a minimum; strictly from their (assumed) perspective)
UTS reserves slots as well but gives the full 10 bonus marks if you get them.

The other Uni's place you in the same pool as non EAS students.

I'm not sure if you can break the 10 points barrier; but depending on your situation you could (Bomb-collar anyone?)

[BTW, yes I'm biased @ Sydney Uni as they really fucked up the Commerce presentation on Open day. FFS I want to know about the damn course not about all your achievements and OTHER FUCKING STUFF. 5 minutes of actual Commerce and 55 minutes of fucking marketing the Uni to parents.]

If your school's really crap then are you automatically included in the EAS? meaning you don't have to apply?
Yes, the disadvantages school scheme program is automatic. (max 3 points I believe) You only then have to apply if you've got other disadvantages such as financial issues or whatever.


Oct 28, 2011
Only USyd and UTS i think allocate 'spots' to EAS approved students. The rest assess your application and award bonus points to their discretion. Also USyd only considers you if your within 5 ATAR and for UTS its within 10.


New Member
Nov 27, 2012
I just wanted to update this post. The EAS scheme covers many types of disadvantage such as doing a language by distance education.
Each disadvantage has a code which needs to go on the application page. The EAS can be administered by anyone in the school but often is the careers adviser. UAC accepts late applications. The bonus points increase your selection rank. Check out my careers site at
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2024
Educational Access Scheme (EAS)

I'd like to make a point that the EAS doesn't add any points to your published UAI, so recieving a UAI of 70 does not mean your published UAI will be 75, that's not how the EAS system works.

So first thing is first, the following listed Universities, all support the EAS scheme, some uni's may call it a different name like the University of Sydney calls it the 'Broadway Scheme':

-Australian Catholic University
-Australian National University
-Charles Sturt University
-Macquarie University
-Southern Cross University
-University of Canberra
-University of New England
-University of New South Wales
-University of Sydney
-University of Technology Sydney
-University of Newcastle
-University of Western Sydney
-University of Wollongong

So how does the the EAS System work?

In general, the EAS System for successful applicants allows a flexible entry into a desired course if you do not reach the UAI for the cut-off, but this flexible entry is only within or up-to 5 UAI off the cut-off, so for example i wanted to do Bachelor of Arts at University of Sydney, and the cut-off for that course this year was 85, and i achieved a UAI of 82, then you would have the chance to compete with all the other successful applicants under the EAS scheme to enter this course. Please don't think that ok i want to do Law at University of New South Wales, and i achieved a UAI of 95 and the cut-off was 99, and you were eligible for the EAS scheme, that you will be guranteed to get in, when they say it's up to 5 UAI around the cut-off it could be less, it depends the demand for that particular course, most participating unis only have 5% of places free'd up for EAS applicants, so you also have to compete for a place. For example Person A wants to do Bachelor of Information Technology at University of Western Sydney and Person B as well, and the cut-off for this course was 99, Person A achieves a UAI of 98 and Person B achieves a UAI of 97, they both are eligible for the EAS scheme, but because this course is so high demanding, most possibly the Uni, will only offer say 20 places for EAS applicants, so these 20 places still has to be competed based upon your UAI, so in this case Person A will be offered it over Person B. This is generally how the EAS System works, but for some Uni's it's different, for example University of Technology, Sydney, offers up to 10 UAI around the cut-off, but this is for particular courses, and probably some Uni's might offer more than 5% for EAS applicants.

Take a look at the following e-handbook for the EAS:

So how do i apply for EAS?

You can obtain a copy of the EAS booklet from your careers advisor around June - July, but remember it's also up to you to remind your careers advisor.
You can also find the book online here:
The EAS application form is available online here:

What do i require to be eligible for the EAS scheme?

Read through the EAS codes located in this e-handbook:

Generally you would require a few letters from principals, and friends who are close to you and who are certified, e.g. Doctors, Accountants, etc...

You would also require to provide evidential copy, and have a talk to your co-ordinator about it, because they do some of the filling out of the EAS application form.

So if i fulfill the requirements to apply for EAS does that mean i'm 100% guaranteed a placement for the EAS?

No. I think UAC is the people who read through all the provided documents and see if you are really eligible and see that all the given proof has actually caused a disadvantage during yr 11 and 12 studies. If you're qualified from UAC for the EAS, what happens is, now it's the Uni's to qualify you, generally only the Uni's you have listed for your Course preferences send you the letters about your accpetance for the EAS scheme, some Uni's might not offer it to you or some may, i know of some people getting an offer for University of Sydney ,and being rejected by University of Technology Sydney.

Personal Opinion towards applying for EAS:

My personal opinion towards any applicant is, don't have in mind "cool 5 UAI points i can scab", that's a bad attitude, UAC only accepts a number of EAS applicants, and don't you think it's a little unfair for the people who have had more serious traumar put towards them throughout the course of their HSC studies to have missed out on the EAS, For example death of a family member. It's not fair for the ones are naturally affected by such issues, to miss out a oppurtunity for the EAS scheme, because of the load of applicants who are in it for the extra pts because they "think" they are more disadvantaged than others.

So i hope this has answered all your questions about the Educational Access Scheme, you may PM me or post back if you have any questions, and to the people who are really disadvantage you should have a nice talk to your co-ordinator or careers advisor about the EAS.
What a fucking stupid system. The only reason this has to exist because of the flawed scoring system, not the external exam. Plus I don't get to have these benefits since I live in a middle income suburb.

The Highest achieving aboriginal kids are getting low not because they performed poorly on the HSC exam, its because they got dragged down by everyone else. It's not in their blood that they are stupid, its the system that hindered them from getting the marks they deserved. This system assumes aboriginals and ethnic minorities are stupid, therefore is racist.
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Active Member
Aug 3, 2024
What a fucking stupid system. The only reason this has to exist because of the flawed scoring system, not the external exam. Plus I don't get to have these benefits since I live in a middle income suburb.

The Highest achieving aboriginal kids are getting low not because they performed poorly on the HSC exam, its because they got dragged down by everyone else. It's not in their blood that they are stupid, its the system that hindered them from getting the marks they deserved. This system assumes aboriginals and ethnic minorities are stupid, therefore is racist.
is all you do complain, just lock in and rank 1st lil bro, not that hard

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