diana's performances were brilliant. jasmine was pretty good too, but it was kinda set that she'd leave.... i didn't really like fantasia's performance of "the greatest love"
Originally posted by jm1234567890
fantasia's voice is too harsh
Originally posted by Minai
Personally, I hate fantasia's whiney voice, she sounds like a cartoon character...La Toya had the best "voice"
Originally posted by Fry
and how good was Tamyra?? WOW she was incredible!! i LOVED the 'raindrops will fall' song. don't know why she didn't win Idol 2.
Guy was aiight. he most certainly did not match up to Tamyra. it looked like he was trying to hard to impress the American audience and i didn't like how he changed the song around.
tamrya was very talented. though her figure reminds me a bit of whitney houston's at MJ's 30th thing o__O
yeah guy's been changing the melody of "angels", he did it at the australia day concert too... he didn't sound that bad, but the melisma is REALLY getting to me now

i agree with him trying to impress the americans, though. he looks tired

and i thought simon was kinda rude tonight, well ruder than usual lol
Originally posted by Dingo2004
do u think they will show Australian Idol Series 2 in America???
somehow, i don't htink so.