I think both girls and guys have a lot to learn from each other... but we should also remember that fundamentally we are NOT like each other, and that's really just genetics
Oh, before you read the rest of my post, I've been reading this book called "Why Men Don't Listen and why Women Can't Read Maps", so a lot of what I say comes from there
As gatherers, girls use vocal intonation. Girls have a highly developed sense of body language, multi-tasking, "intuition" and verbalising thoughts in words - hence why we put so much emphasis on communication (even though we're crazy bitches and sometimes say the opposite of what we really mean. We do change our tone to show that we don't really mean it... but only other girls can pick this up! lol). When we don't get as much as we might want, then we start reading into things to try and figure out what the other person meant. We need to learn to speak a bit more 'straighter', and not read so much into things
(MASSIVE GENERALISATIONS AHEAD!) As hunters, guys use a minimum of words, usually say exactly what they mean, monogamy is a state of mind (but one they're becoming increasingly proficient at), and have an amazing ability to separate emotionability from the side that 'gets the job done'.
I actually feel sorry for guys sometimes :/ They're known for a long time that girls can be 'very confusing' and just kind of put up with it... we on the other hand, still berate them for not being mindreaders, when in reality we're probably expecting a bit much of them and should meet them in the middle somewhere.
And of course, I'm quoting muchly from a book and probably have billions of mistakes of my own to make in real life
Long story short - embrace who you are azzie

You're not male for a reason, and wouldn't it be depressing to not be able to appreciate the difference between a luxuriously beaded, champagne-coloured Sachi heel and a ridiculously-proportioned, white suede stilletto? Yes, I thought so too
Sometimes we don't meet the "right" person at the "right" time. This doesn't always mean that someone did something wrong, or there's a 'secret' we don't know about. Sometimes it really is just the wrong person at the wrong time, or maybe the right person but at the wrong time. Take life for what it is - your Mr Right is out there somewhere, and one day you'll find him

You don't want to just give up now, do you?