Wandering the Lacuna
Yeah, you're right. I've fixed that.
Whats [6C0] mean?Trev said:a) z=cosө+isinө
z<sup>6</sup>= (cosө+isinө)<sup>6</sup> {let cosө=c and sinө=s)
Take out the real parts, which is equal to cos6ө and put it all in terms of cosө which will give you what you're supposed to show.
b) Similarly as sin6ө/cos6ө.
Your teacher should have given you a quick run-down on binomial expansions.kadlil said:Whats [6C0] mean?
Since z=cosө+isinө the real part of z is cosө and the unreal part is sinө.Take out the real parts, which is equal to cos6ө and put it all in terms of cosө which will give you what you're supposed to show.
That looks like combinations? like in permutations and combinations?Trev said:Your teacher should have given you a quick run-down on binomial expansions.
Since z=cosө+isinө the real part of z is cosө and the unreal part is sinө.
After z<sup>6</sup> you will get real parts and unreal parts (unreal is the ones with 'i').
So taking out real parts of z<sup>6</sup> is equal to cos6ө (by de moivres) which is equal to the real part of the expansion.
c) (-R^2/[1+R^2],R/[1+R^2])Riviet said:I need some help with this question from the Advanced Mathematics textbook (Terry Lee):
If R is a real number, find the locus of z defined by
a) z=(1+iR)/(1-iR)
b) z=1/(1-iR)
c) z=iR/(1-iR)
I've only had a go at the first one, i substituted z=x+iy into a), then realised denominator, and figured out what x and y were in terms of R. This is where i didn't know what to do. The answers at the back of the book goes straight to x2+y2=[sub in x and y here]
which ends up as 1, so the locus turns out to be the unit circle. Please explain how? Thx. Don't worry about any working, the book has worked answers, i just don't get it.
What are you talking about?insert-username said:Riviet, yours wasn't something we'd just looked at in 2 unit Maths... mmm series
This isn't the most straight forward way to do it but what you've got is the same form as those t substitution things so if you let R = tan(@/2) then x = cos@ and y = sin@ ∴ x2 + y2 = 1. More a cool pattern than a method to use.Riviet said:in a), i get x=(1-R2)/(1+R2), y=2R/(1+R2)
Why and how do i know to go straight to x2+y2=1? I subed it in and it works right, but the reasoning?