asuka kazama is really easy to use. I don't know how to user her but can do her like 80~90 damage juggle easily. I am not at tekken so year. I used her sometimes as she is not my main one now. What I do for her is, f+2, u/f+3, 2,1, 2,1,1+2 B! d/b+4,3
My main is Leo. Learning how to use her but struggling to do f+4, d/f/, u/f+1. Her juggles seem so much harder to do than asuka's. No offence to asuka users. What I do for Leo is, d/f+2(or any standard launcher), 3,2, b+2,1, d/b+2,2 B! b+2,1+2 (for oki) but most of the time i do d/f+2, d/f+1, b+2,1, d/b+2,2 B! b+2,1+2 as i can do it more consistantly. They areb pretty weak though, i think only like 50~70 damage.
Would love to learn from any Leo players lol