That was SUCH an easy exam!! I was worried because I was SURE there was going to be some obscure question about something I'd just skipped over a bit.
Hatshepsut part (c) was almost the same as in my trial (it just had an "or" instead of "and".
Middle Kingdom society was easy, except part (d) was 6 marks and it was hard to guess where they were coming from...
Part (e) was weird too - 10 marks for the significance of occupations!!
Middle Kingdom historical period was great - Question 27(b)
Additional historical - Greece 500-440 was good too - I did transformation of Delian League to Athenian Empire. I learnt all that this morning!! woohoo!!!
Basically, everything that was in the exam was something that I'd "brushed up on" this morning. I guess I was really lucky, because until this morning, I had done NO study for ancient since a study camp 5 weeks ago - and I'm REALLY happy with how I went!! Couldn't have been better!!!
I hope everyone had the same luck as me!!